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The problem of the time is one of the most important thoughts marks of the humanity.

Since the
ancient tradition of primitive people until the most modern regard of the topic, exposed by the
NASA, the time was, and is, a possibility to think about the life with various fields of the human
knowledge like the science, the history and the philosophy.

Into the historic studies, the time often is poorly considerate because the theoretical tradition that
has a relation precise with the practice isnt embedded in the Colombian school of history. In other
words, the written of the history in Colombia dont thinks in the time such a possibility different of
the already known vision of cause and effect. It will be interested that the historians in
Colombia, taken a psychoanalysiss discourse that believe on the time such the way of find the
phantasmal presence of the past, an effort for show how the present is constantly attack for de
experience of the past like the adult surfer with his memory of his child time.


The problem of the time is one of the most important thoughts marks of the humanity. Since the
ancient tradition of primitive peoples until the most modern regard of the topic, exposed by the
NASA, the time was, and is, a possibility to think about the life from various fields of the human
knowledge like the science, the history and the philosophy.

In Colombia within the historic studies, the time often is poorly considerate because the
theoretical tradition that has a relation precise with the practice isnt embedded in the Colombian
school of history. In other words, the writing of the history in Colombia dont thinks in the time as
a possibility different of the already known vision of cause and effect. It will be interest that the
historians in Colombia, take, for example, psychoanalysiss discourse that allow see the time, of
such way, that serve to find the phantasmal presence of the past, an effort for show how the
present is constantly attack for de experience of the past like the adult with his memory of his
child time.

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