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Medan, Oct 5 2017

Jln. Pintu Air IV No. 113, Zip Code 20142

Sumatra Utara, Indonesia

Dear my best friend,

Hay Grecy, its been 2 years we did not see each other since you moved to
Jakarta. How are you there? I hope you are always healthy and happy just like me
here. Im glad finally I am able to write this letter to you because I miss you so
much. I missed the times when we spent time together like playing music in the my
studio, going to church together, playing at your house and many more. When can
we meet and do something together again? Im so looking forward to that day.

Anyway, how is your lecture? Next year we both will graduate. I want to
know your plan after graduating. By the way on Monday I was getting an
internship. Please pray for me! I hope I can have an internship with good.

Alright then! Hopefully we can meet again someday and please tell your
parents I miss them too. I am waiting a reply from you.

Your best friend,

Ruth Vinesa Simbolon

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