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Pretentious - Intended to attract notice and impress others,

tawdry or vulgar
2. Intrigue - A crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually
sinister) ends, secret love affair, Cause to be interested or
3. Reckon guess, calculate, imagine, believe, perceive
4. Matrimonial related to marriage, conjugal
5. Groggy stunned, confused
6. Demeanor behavior
7. Recede retreat, fall back, withdraw, retract
8. Dexterous skillful in physical movement especially in
hands, adroit
9. shrewd marked by intel
10. repudiate disown,renounce,refuse to acknowledge
11. loath extremely opposed, reluctant
12. loathe abhor, abominate
13. feeble weak
14. muse ponder
15. surreal dreamlike
16. aisle long narrow passage
17. excruciate - Torment emotionally or mentally, Subject
to torture
18. gay bright and pleasant
19. attic - Floor consisting of open space at the top of a
house just below roof; often used for storage
20. Scruples - conscience
21. resort - Move, travel, or proceed toward some place,
Act of turning to for assistance
22. stray isolated, move about aimlessly, roam
23. gag joke, Restraint put into a person's mouth to
prevent speaking or shouting,
24. minimalism - minimal art
25. bookie a gambler
26. maul injure badly
27. Concurrent -Occurring or operating at the same time
28. Clad - Wearing or provided with clothing;
29. despite - Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of
intense dislike
30. Contemplate muse, ponder
31. Envisage conceive of, imagine
32. Berth position, Secure in or as if in a berth or dock
33. Sprawling - An ungainly posture with arms and legs
spread about, Spreading out in different directions
34. Op-ed - opposite the editorial, usually an article
expressing personal opinions
35. Notion feeling, belief, impression
36. Shudder shake
37. Rivet focus, hold ones attention,
38. Maroon - Leave stranded or isolated with little hope of
39. Stern austere, Severe and unremitting in making
40. Abjure retract, Formally reject or disavow
41. Pit - Set into opposition or rivalry
42. Pit/inferno hell
43. Incumbent currently holding a position in office
44. Concession conceding or yielding, a contract
45. Milestone a significant event
46. Glance hit at an angle
47. Stubble - Short stiff hairs growing on a man's face
when he has not shaved for a few days
48. Rodeo an exhibition
49. Relapse go back to bad behavior, A failure to
maintain a higher state, Deteriorate in health
50. Connotation - An idea that is implied or
suggested,What you must know in order to determine the
reference of an expression
51. Denote announce
52. Connote imply, express indirectly
53. Annotation -The act of adding notes, a comment or
54. Append add
55. Stoop crouch, Bend one's back forward from the
waist on down, patronize
56. Recast remodel
57. Cast throw violently, deposit, Move about aimlessly or
without any destination, Get rid of
58. Cantankerous - Stubbornly obstructive and unwilling
to cooperate
59. Nascent - Being born or beginning
60. Luscious - Having strong sexual appeal
61. Preferential discriminatory, Manifesting partiality
62. Anecdote - A short, interesting or amusing account of
a real incident
63. Juggle - Throwing and catching several objects
simultaneously, beguile
64. Strenuous hard, arduous
65. Attenuate weaken
66. Vanity -Feelings of excessive pride, The quality of
being valueless or futile
67. Inflate fill with something, exaggerate or make
68. Conform adjust, adapt
69. Digress - lose clarity or turn aside especially from the
main subject of attention or course of argument in writing,
thinking, or speaking, stray, depart
70. Ramble wander, roam
71. Diffident lacking self-confidence ( timid ), Showing
modest reserve
72. Sublime awe, of high moral or intellectual value
73. Prejudice injure, harm, damage, Preconceived
opinion not based on reason or experience.
74. Dispatch send away, kill, murder, dispose of
something, carry out or fulfill
75. Dispatcher - The official who signals the beginning of a
race or competition
76. Trample walk heavily, injure (little)
77. Sitcom a funny program
78. Omnivorous - Feeding on both plants and animals
79. Redaction - The act of putting something in writing
80. Aficionado devotee
81. Rite ritual
82. Assesse an individual, a person
83. Sub judice - Before a judge or court of law; awaiting
judicial determination
84. Manifold many and varied, A pipe that has several
lateral outlets to or from other pipes, Combine or increase
several or many times, make multiple copies of
85. Toutbrag, praise, Show off, Someone who buys tickets
to an event in order to resell them at a profit, One who sells
advice about gambling or speculation, Advertise in strongly
positive terms
86. Iniquitous sinful
87. Gratuitous -Costing nothing, unprovoked, unjustified,
saying of something bad
88. Courtesy -Polite behavior, A courteous, respectful or
considerate act/remark
89. Curb inhibit, put down by force, restrict
90. clampdown - Sudden restriction on an activity,
Repress or suppress, crack down
91. Shag - Have sexual intercourse, roger
92. Hobble -Walk impeded by some physical limitation or
injury, Hamper the action or progress of
93. Toddle - Walk unsteadily
94. Jolt jerk, shake
95. Manipulate influencing others, falsify
96. Rabble disordered crowd, mob
97. Infraction - A crime less serious than a felony
98. Rambunctious - Noisy and lacking in restraint or
99. Molasses a syrup
100. Vie compete
101. Critique A serious examination and judgment of
something, An essay or article that gives a critical
102. Astute - Marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
103. Survey - A detailed critical inspection
104. Appraise assess, evaluate, measure, survey
105. Multitude - A large indefinite number, A large gathering
of people
106. Clutter - A confused multitude of things, Fill a space in
a disorderly way
107. Backfire -Come back to the originator of an action with
an undesired effect, Emit a loud noise
108. Backflip - a complete reversal in attitude or policy
109. Frazzle/fray -Wear away, Exhaust physically or
110. Stew -Agitation resulting from active worry, Food
prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables
111. Behemoth -Someone or something that is abnormally
large and powerful, A person of exceptional importance and
112. Clog clot
113. Junket - A journey taken for pleasure, a feast or
114. Jitter - A small irregular movement
115. Jitters extreme nervousness
116. Dissipate - Spend frivolously and unwisely
117. Dispel disperse
118. Grate - A frame of iron bars, scratch repeatedly
(scrape ), make resentful or angry
119. Ravenous extremely hungry
120. Raven obtain or seize by violence, eat or feed greedily
121. Yarn - The act of giving an account describing incidents
or a course of events, A fine cord of twisted fibers
122. Trump - Proclaim or announce
123. Shriek scream or cry
124. Duds an informal term for clothing
125. Sinister ominous
126. RamificationConsequence, A development that
complicates a situation, An arrangement of branching parts
127. Crust -A hard outer layer that covers something
128. Hummock a little hill
129. Recourse -Act of turning to for assistance
130. Evict - Expel or eject without recourse to legal process
131. Rampant - Unrestrained and violent
132. Fork -The act of branching out or dividing into branches
133. Outcrop - The part of a rock formation that appears
above the surface of the surrounding land
134. Jut protrude
135. Knuckle a joint
136. Gravel - Rock fragments and pebbles
137. Boulder -A large smooth mass of rock detached from its
place of origin
138. Posit to state
139. geyser - a spring
140. fissure - A long narrow depression in a surface
141. solicit -Approach with an offer of sexual favors, Make
amorous advances towards, request urgently or persistently
142. subterfuge - evasion , artifice, trick, deceit som1 2
achieve goal
143. insomniac - Someone who cannot sleep
144. patently evidently or obviously
145. designate - assign, indicate, intend, point, show
146. detract - take away a part from
147. pamper -Treat with excessive indulgence
148. amuck - out of control
149. sordid -Morally degraded
150. furtive - Secret and sly
151. hustle - Cause to move furtively and hurriedly, Move or
cause to move energetically or busily, Get by trying hard, A
swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person
to buy worthless property
152. boorish - Ill-mannered
153. budge agitate
154. brazen - Unrestrained by convention or propriety
155. limp - Lacking in strength, Walk impeded by some
physical limitation or injury, Proceed slowly
156. alight climb down
157. phishing - The luring of an internet user to reveal
personal details
158. outage - A temporary suspension of operation, The
amount of something lost
159. parley a negotiation between enemies
160. fiend - A cruel wicked and inhuman person
161. tryout - A trial of something to see if or how it works,
sample, test, try
162. defaulter - Someone who fails to make a required
appearance in court, Someone who fails to meet a
financial obligation (deadbeat ), A contestant who forfeits a
163. scruple - An ethical or moral principle that inhibits
164. morbid - Suggesting an unhealthy mental state,
Suggesting the horror of death and decay
165. irony satire, sarcasm
166. ironic meaning the opposite of what you seem to say,
satirical (ironical )
167. ruse - A deceptive maneuver
168. reminisce remember
169. revoke cancel officially
170. sprain - A painful injury to a joint
171. swoon -Pass out from weakness, A spontaneous
loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the
172. fracking - The use of pressurized fluid to fracture a rock
layer, esp. for subsequent extraction of oil and gas
173. savage- cruel, fierce, furious
174. salvage - Prevent being ruined, destroyed, lost, or
harmed, Collect discarded or refused material, The act of
saving goods or property
175. poised - Marked by balance or equilibrium and
readiness for action, In full control of your faculties
176. faculty - One of the inherent cognitive or perceptual
powers of the mind
177. poise(Be motionless, in suspension) / Prepare (oneself)
for something unpleasant or difficult, Cause to be balanced
or suspended, Hold or carry in equilibrium
178. ordeal - A severe or trying experience
179. boggle - Startle with amazement or fear, Hesitate when
confronted with a problem, or when in doubt or fear,
Overcome with amazement
180. Rundown - a concluding summary, Worn and
broken down by hard use, Trace, Move downward, Use up all
one's strength and energy and stop working, Injure or kill by
running over, as with a vehicle, Deplete, Examine hastily,
Pursue until captured
181. Intuition - Instinctive knowing, An impression that
something might be the case
182. Intuitive - Obtained through intuition rather than from
reasoning or observation (visceral), Spontaneously derived
from or prompted by a natural tendency
183. Depose force to leave,
184. Brat - A very troublesome child
185. Disillusioned - Having lost one's previous false hopes
or beliefs, disappointed
186. Disillusion - Cause someone to understand that
something they previously believed is false or overly
187. Wily/Sly marked by skill in deception
188. Inveterate habitual
189. Odyssey - A long, wandering, and eventful journey
190. Precursor - Something that precedes and indicates the
approach of something or someone
191. Impertinence impudence, insolence
192. Relinquish let go, release, give up
193. Bland banal, dull
194. Devious - Characterized by insincerity or deceit,
evasive, Deviating from a straight course, misleading
195. Cagey - Showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing
with others, Characterized by great caution and wariness
196. Consternation - Fear resulting from the awareness of
197. Dismay Consternation, Lower someone's spirits, The
feeling of despair in the face of obstacles
198. Scathe injure, harm
199. Scathing - Marked by harshly abusive criticism
200. Circumvent to frustrate, to surround ( by enemies ),
to avoid or bypass
201. Overreach - Fail by aiming too high or trying too hard,
Beat through cleverness and wit, To reach or extend over or
202. Repository - A facility where things can be deposited
for storage or safekeeping
203. Retention the act of retaining
204. Pursuant - in conformance to or agreement with
205. Upstream Toward the source
206. Downstream away from the source
207. Purge Rid of impurities, free from sin (Absolve), clear
of a charge, oust, Rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid,
208. Underscore emphasize
209. Sheer - Complete and without restriction or
qualification, Not mixed with extraneous elements, Very
steep (precipitous) , curve, directly
210. Premise - Set forth beforehand, A statement that is
assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be
211. Setforth to state, to posit
212. Oversight supervise, A mistake resulting from
213. Subpoena - a writ issued by court authority to compel
the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding;
disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court
214. Crusadefight, campaign, struggle, strive, any vigorous
movement on behalf of a cause.
215. Funk - A state of nervous depression;; Draw back, as
with fear or pain
216. Sleigh - A vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by
horses or dogs; for transportation over snow
217. Forego - Be earlier in time, Relinquish
218. Misfire - Fail to fire or detonate
219. Proximity propinquity, The region close around a
person or thing
220. Requiem dirge
221. Fusillade volley
222. Stalwart Dependable, strong or sturdy, very loyal
223. Rugged - Sturdy and strong in constitution or
construction, Having long narrow shallow depressions (as
grooves or wrinkles) in the surface, Very difficult; severely
testing stamina or resolution
224. Embark venture, Go on board, Set out on
225. Disembark come/go ashore, get off
226. Pier - platform built out from the shore into the water
and supported by piles, wharf
227. Hindsight understanding, savvy, discernment
228. Amicable friendly
229. Nab take into custody
230. Solicitous Full of anxiety and concern, eager and
231. Hover to move to and fro
232. Bane scourge
233. Decry condemn
234. Descry to perceive
235. Abrade - Wear away, Rub hard or scrub
236. Excoriate decry, condemn, ear or wear off the skin or
make sore by abrading
237. Scourge -Something causing misery or death,Punish
severely, excoriate
238. Steadfast - Marked by firm determination or resolution,
loyal, faithful
239. Stupor- The feeling of distress and disbelief that you
have when something bad happens accidentally, mental
240. Stipulation - an agreement or concession made by
parties in a judicial proceeding (or by their attorneys)
relating to the business before the court; must be in writing
unless they are part of the court record
241. Stipulate - Specify as a condition or requirement in a
contract or agreement, Give a guarantee or promise of, to
require as part of an agreement
242. Nomadic having no fixed home or place
243. Zany- crazy, lunatic, foolish
244. Thwart hinder or prevent
245. Fetish - A charm superstitiously believed to embody
magical powers
246. Scour - Examine minutely, Clean with hard rubbing, Rub
hard or scrub, Rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid
247. Swag - Goods or money obtained illegally, Walk as if
unable to control one's movements
248. Fad- An interest followed with exaggerated zeal
249. Obviate - Prevent the occurrence of, prevent from
250. Fiasco - A disastrous or embarrassing failure
251. Embroil - Force into some kind of situation, condition, or
course of action, involve in an activity
252. Embroiled - Deeply involved especially in something
253. Squarely - Directly and without evasion
254. Tumultuous - Characterized by unrest, disorder or
255. Impeachment - A formal document charging a public
official with misconduct in office
256. Juvenile - Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity, A
young person, not fully developed
257. Stringent - Demanding strict attention to rules and
258. Outcry - A loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
259. Stoke - Stir up or tend; of a fire
260. Relish - Derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment
from; take pleasure in
261. Deliberate- Carefully thought out in advance,
Characterized by conscious design or purpose, Think about
carefully (weigh)
262. Impassioned characterized by passion
263. Promiscuity - Indulging in sexual relations
264. Sequester set or keep apart, confiscate
265. Furl - Form into a cylinder by rolling
266. Buoyant - Characterized by liveliness and
lightheartedness, Tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or
267. Smother - Deprive of oxygen and prevent from
breathing, Conceal or hide, Envelop completely
268. Rescind - Cancel officially / Annul
269. Collate - Compare critically, To assemble in proper
270. Oomph - Attractiveness to the opposite sex , The
activeness of an energetic personality
271. Derelict - Worn and broken down by hard use, A person
without a home, job, or property, A ship abandoned on the
high seas
272. Gestate - Have the idea for, Be pregnant with
273. Outfit - Any cohesive unit such as a military company,
Provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose
274. Woe - Misery resulting from affliction, Intense
275. Teeter - Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
276. Delicacy - Something considered choice to eat, Refined
277. Guzzle - Drink greedily or as if with great thirst
278. Disingenuous - Not straightforward or candid, giving a
false appearance of frankness
279. Complexion - The coloring of a person's face, Give a
certain color to
280. Unruly - Noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline,
Unwilling to submit to authority
281. Drone - Someone who takes more time than necessary;
someone who lags behind, Make a monotonous low dull
sound, Talk in a monotonous voice
282. Booty - Goods or money obtained illegally
283. Sting - A mental pain or distress, A swindle in which you
cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless
property, A painful wound
284. Moor - Secure in or as if in a berth or dock
285. Incentive - A positive motivational influence, An
additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as
a means of increasing output
286. Prod- Urge on; cause to act, Anything that inspires,
motivates or drives you to do something. Push suddenly or
strongly with a finger or something pointed
287. Premonition - A feeling of evil to come, An early
warning about a future event
288. Impale - Pierce with a sharp stake or point, Kill by
piercing with a spear or sharp pole
289. Tether - Restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain)
used to restrain an animal, To tie
290. Bumble - Make a mess of, destroy or ruin, Walk
unsteadily, Speak haltingly
291. Pastiche - A musical composition consisting of a series
of songs or other musical pieces from various sources, A
work of art that imitates the style of some previous work
292. Zap - Strike suddenly and with force, Kill with or as if
with a burst of gunfire or electric current or as if by shooting
293. Interstellar- Between or among stars
294. Intercede - Act between parties with a view to
reconciling differences
295. Exclaim Utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy,
////State or announce
296. Recur occur again, act of turning to for assistance
297. Scorch - Become superficially burned, Destroy
completely by or as if by fire
298. Admonish - Warn strongly, reprove
299. Infuse- Teach and impress by frequent repetitions or
admonitions,Fill, as with a certain quality
300. Specious - Plausible but false, spurious
301. Requiem dirge
302. Tamper meddle or interfere in others business
303. Monger dealer
304. Inter - Place in a grave or tomb
305. Inquest - An inquiry into the cause of an unexpected
306. spin-of - A product made during the manufacture of
something else, byproduct
307. lien - The right to take another's property if an
obligation is not discharged
308. Itinerary - An established line of travel or access
(route), travel guidebook
309. Honcho boss
310. Cushy easygoing, not burdensome or onerous
311. Implicate Impose, involve, or imply as a necessary
accompaniment or result// Bring into intimate and
incriminating connection
312. Defraud - Deprive of by deceit
313. Kamikaze - A pilot trained and willing to cause a
suicidal crash
314. Hurtle - Throw forcefully, Make a thrusting forward
315. Posture mental attitude, to act/speak artificially or
316. Affix to attach, to append
317. Circumstantial specific
318. Convulse - Shake uncontrollably, Make someone
convulse with laughter
319. Stasis - An abnormal state in which the normal flow of a
liquid (such as blood) is slowed or stopped, Inactivity
resulting from a static balance between opposing forces
320. Implore to beg, to pray
321. Ember- A hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from
a fire and is glowing or smoldering
322. Blunt/Outspoken - Characterized by directness in
manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion
323. throw up - Eject the contents of the stomach through
the mouth, to vomit
324. Fare To Proceed, An agenda of things to do
325. Disposal - The power to use something or someone
326. Stimulus - Any stimulating information or event
327. Fractious - Stubbornly resistant to authority or control,
Easily irritated or annoyed
328. Dip a fall in something, go down momentarily
329. Stagnate - Stand still, idle
330. Lam - A rapid escape (as by criminals)
331. Pageant - A rich and spectacular ceremony
332. Vamp- A seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to
exploit men, Act seductively with (someone)
333. Taboo - Excluded from use or mention, to prohibit
334. Supple- Moving and bending with ease, readily
adaptable, Make pliant and flexible
335. Renege - Fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
336. Provision - The cognitive process of thinking about
what you will do in the event of something happening
337. Infirmity - The state of being weak in health or body
338. Tepid moderately warm(lukewarm), Feeling or
showing little interest or enthusiasm(lukewarm)
339. Scrawl - Write carelessly (scribble)
340. Rendition interpretation, A performance of a
musical composition or a dramatic role, Handing over
prisoners to countries where torture is allowed
341. Notch - The location in a range of mountains of a
geological formation that is lower than the surrounding
peaks (mountain pass), A small cut
342. Hype ballyhoo
343. Blooper - An embarrassing mistake
344. Laden - Filled with a great quantity, Burdened
psychologically or mentally, Fill or place a load on
345. Rag bother, A small piece of cloth or paper
346. Projection a conclusion
347. Merriment - Activities that are enjoyable or amusing, a
gay feeling
348. Glee -Great merriment (1st one up), Malicious
349. Dart - Move along rapidly and lightly, Run or move very
quickly (dash )
350. Graze- Feed as in a meadow or pasture, Scrape gently,
A superficial abrasion
351. Corral to gather or collect, to enclose
352. Pesky - Causing irritation or annoyance
353. Overt opposite to covert
354. Goof a blunder or mistake
355. Suspense an apprehension or excited fear
356. Malignant dangerous to health
357. Spook - Frighten or scare, and often provoke into a
violent action
358. Declamatory - Ostentatiously lofty in style
359. Rave - Talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner,,
Praise enthusiastically ( Puff )
360. Casanova - Any man noted for his amorous adventures
361. Imperil pose a threat to, threaten, peril
362. Thoroughfare road
363. Provenance - Where something originated or was
nurtured in its early existence
364. Tardis a time machine
365. Outfox - Beat through cleverness and wit
366. Blackout - A suspension of radio or tv broadcasting,
Partial or total loss of memory, The failure of electric power
for a general region
367. Atrium - Any chamber that is connected to other
chambers or passageways, The central area in a building;
open to the sky
368. Adjudicated - Make a formal judgment or decision
about a problem or disputed matter
369. Crunch - To chew with a noisy crackling sound, To move
with a crushing sound, To produce or emit a crushing sound.
370. Ferret out - search and discover through persistent
371. Vet - To subject to thorough examination or evaluation,
Examine carefully
372. Nuisance - Something or someone that causes
annoyance, inconvenience, or makes life more difficult
373. Deregulation - The act of freeing from regulation
(especially from governmental regulations)
374. Scrap - Dispose of (V) , Worthless material that is to be
disposed of, an act of fighting or struggle, A small fragment
of something broken off from the whole
375. Slur disparaging remarks
376. Pinch arrest, emergency, irritate
377. Scramble - To move hurriedly, Climb awkwardly, Make
unintelligible, quickly deploy vehicles, esp. aircraft, in
response to an emergency or make an attack, A confused
multitude of things (clutter )
378. Delinquent - Failing in what duty requires, A young
offender, Guilty of a misdeed
379. Perversion - An aberrant sexual practice
380. Demarcate - Separate clearly, as if by boundaries //
Set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something
381. Stance - Standing posture, A rationalized
mental attitude
382. Obit - A notice of someone's death; usually includes a
short biography
383. Spat -Strike with a sound like that of falling rain, Engage
in a brief and petty quarrel, a quarrel
384. Tif a quarrel
385. Salvo volley, fusillade, A sudden outburst of cheers
386. Blabber - One who reveals confidential information to
the police or other authority, Speak (about unimportant
matters) rapidly and incessantly
387. Skim - Examine hastily
388. Huddle - Crowd or draw together, Crouch or curl up, a
quick private conference, A disorganized and densely packed
389. Contrasting - Strikingly different, Put in opposition to
show or emphasize differences (contrast)
390. Stake - Put at risk, Place a bet on, Tie or fasten, Kill by
piercing with a spear or sharp pole (impale), a right or legal
share of something
391. Steep - Devote (oneself) fully to
392. Overrule override, rule against
393. Plague - Cause to suffer a blight, Annoy continually or
394. Swerve turn sharply (Veer), An erratic deflection from
an intended course
395. Reap - Gather, as of natural products,, Get or derive
396. Upswing - An improving or increasing trend
397. Tantrums - a display of bad temper
398. Trickle - Run or flow slowly
399. Irk irritate or vex
400. Fume - Be mad, angry, or furious
401. Deft dexterous
402. Camper - Someone living temporarily in a tent or lodge
for recreation, A recreational vehicle equipped for
camping out while traveling, Providing sophisticated
amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly)
mannered, banal or sentimental qualities(camp),, Having
unsuitable feminine qualities (camp )
403. Scavenge - Clean refuse from, Collect discarded or
refused material
404. Nudge prod , A slight push or shake
405. Clunker - An event that fails badly or is totally
ineffectual, Someone who is unsuccessful
406. Bong - A dull resonant sound as of a bell, Ring loudly
and deeply
407. Hassle - An angry disturbance or fighting, Annoy
continually or chronically
408. Monocle - Lens for correcting defective vision in one
409. Dash break into pieces
410. Square - Be compatible with, Pay someone and
settle a debt, In a straight direct way, Rigidly
conventional or old-fashioned,
411. Lobby - A group of people who try actively to influence
legislation, Attempt to influence (a public official or decision-
maker) in favor of a specific opinion or cause
412. Holocaust mass murder, mass murder of jews by
413. Pertinacity - Persistent determination
414. Piecemeal one thing at a time
415. Divest take away possession, title, award, honor,
power, function/// Remove (someone's or one's own) clothes
416. Pontoon - a floating structure (as a flat-bottomed boat
417. Draped clothed, cloaked
418. Froth - A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid
419. Voracious - Excessively greedy and grasping,
Devouring or craving food in great quantities
420. Devour - Destroy completely, eat greedily
421. Maw - Informal term for the mouth
422. Unincorporated - Not organized and maintained as a
legal corporation
423. Colossal - So great in size, force or extent
424. Bevy - A large gathering of people of a particular type,
an assembly
425. Cavern - Any large dark enclosed space, Hollow out
as if making a cavern (like a hollow cut)
426. Seethe - Be noisy with activity
427. Detente - the easing of tensions or strained relations
428. Yawning - An involuntary intake of breath through a
wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredom ,
Showing lack of attention or boredom, Be wide open ( Yawn )
429. Pock - Mark with a scar, Used of paved surfaces having
holes or pits (pocked)
430. Trailer drone (some1 who takes much time than
necessary )
431. Wry - Bent to one side, ironical or satirical
432. Delicacy - The quality of being beautiful and delicate in
appearance, Subtly skillful handling of a situation
( diplomacy )
433. Backlash - A movement back from an impact, An
adverse reaction to some political or social occurrence,
Come back to the originator of an action with an undesired
effect (Backfire )
434. Outlying far, Relatively far from a center or middle
435. Outright at once, directly, immediately, instantly,
right away, Without restrictions, stipulations or further
436. Patch - A small area of ground covered by specific
vegetation, A period of indeterminate length (usually short)
marked by some action or condition, bandage, Repair by
adding pieces, to join or unite the pieces of
437. Comptroller accountant, Someone who maintains
and audits business accounts
438. Retroactive - Affecting things past, applying or
referring to the past, Influencing or applying to a period prior
to enactment ( a retroactive pay increase.)
439. Sext - a phone or email message containing sexually
explicit material
440. Levy - Charge a fee or tax, Cause to assemble or enlist
in the military
441. Clunky clumsy or lacking grace
442. Stub - A small piece, The small unused part of
something (especially the end of a cigarette that is left after
smoking), Extinguish by crushing, Strike (one's toe)
accidentally against an object, Pull up (weeds) by their roots
443. Overture - Something that serves as a preceding event
or introduces what follows, tentative suggestion designed to
elicit the reactions of others
444. Derision - The act of deriding or treating with
contempt, Contemptuous laughter
445. Luminary- A celebrity who is an inspiration to others
446. Albeit even though
447. Precocity - Intelligence achieved far ahead of normal
developmental schedules
448. Precocious - Characterized by or characteristic of
exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in
mental aptitude)
449. Nevertheless However, Still, Despite anything
to the contrary (usually following a concession)
450. Nonetheless nevertheless
451. Notwithstanding nevertheless
452. Synopsis abstract or summary
453. Semantic - Of or relating to meaning or the study of
454. Warp - Bend out of shape, as under pressure or from
heat , Make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message
or story, A twist or aberration, A moral or mental distortion
455. Quickie - Hurried repair
456. Trove - Treasure of unknown ownership found hidden
(usually in the earth)
457. Clasp - Hold firmly and tightly
458. Recount counting again, tell, narrate
459. Inexorable adamant or intransigent
460. Ace brilliant, very good, pass perfectly
461. Plunk - Drop steeply, Set (something or oneself) down
462. Pep - Liveliness and energy
463. Scrum mob, a disordered crowd, a huddle
464. Thumb - Travel by getting free rides from motorists,
Look through a book or other written material
465. Mothball - Put into long-term storage
466. Retrofit - Provide with parts, devices, or equipment not
available or in use at the time of the original manufacture
467. Snazzy fashionable
468. Perch - Sit, as on a branch, to come to rest, settle,
469. Modular standard
470. Nod - Express or signify, motion, move, A sign of assent,
salutation or command
471. Assent agreement, to agree
472. Flounder - Walk with great difficulty (stagger), Behave
awkwardly; have difficulties
473. Comparative - Relating to or based on or involving
474. Follow-through - Carrying some project or intention to
full completion, Pursue to a conclusion or bring to a
successful issue
475. Portfolio- A large, flat, thin case for carrying loose
papers, drawings or maps; usually leather, A set of pieces of
creative work collected to be shown to potential customers
or employers, A list of the financial assets held by an
individual or a bank or other financial institution, The role of
the head of a government department
476. Bestride - Get up on the back of
477. Soundof - Express complaints, discontent, displeasure,
or unhappiness
478. Stagger - To arrange in a systematic order
479. Twitchy - Tense, nervous, excited or irritable
480. Intent - An anticipated outcome that is intended or that
guides your planned actions, Giving or marked by complete
attention to,Characterized by great determination
481. Ingestion act of consuming food
482. Furlough - Dismiss, usually for economic reasons, Grant
a leave to
483. Malodorous - Having an unpleasant smell
484. Fetid - Offensively malodorous
485. Understate - Represent as less significant or important
486. Overstate - To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth,
487. Holistic - Emphasizing the organic or functional relation
between parts and the whole, wholistic
488. Caste social class, position or status
489. Masquerade- pretend to be someone or something
that you are not, A party of guests wearing costumes and
masks, A costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party,
Making a false outward show
490. Kudos - An expression of approval and commendation
491. Podcast - Distribute (multimedia files) over the internet
for playback on a mobile device or a personal computer
492. Ethos -the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era
493. Avatar embodiment, incarnation
494. Marquee superlative ( extraordinary sense), a large
tent used for entertainment, exhibition
495. Bufet - Strike against forcefully, Strike, beat repeatedly
496. Slick marked by craftiness and skill, A slippery
smoothness, Give a smooth and glossy appearance, Having
only superficial plausibility
497. Gritty - Starkly realistic, Willing to face danger
498. Bemoan regret strongly
499. Bandwagon - A popular trend that attracts growing
500. Stem - Grow out of, have roots in, originate in
501. Showcase demonstrate, represent
502. Tempo a pace
503. Plaudits - Enthusiastic approval
504. Flock - Move as a crowd or in a group, An orderly crowd,
a large number, amount or extent
505. Repertoire - The entire range of skills or aptitudes or
devices used in a particular field or occupation
506. Whet - Make keen or more acute, sharpen the blade of
(to hone) (a tool or weapon)
507. Savoury - Morally wholesome or acceptable, Pleasing to
the sense of taste
508. Recline - Lean in a comfortable resting position
509. Grasp - Hold firmly (clasp ), Understanding of the
nature, meaning, quality or magnitude of something,
510. Caress - Touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing
511. Squat crouch
512. Sway - Move back and forth or sideways, Win approval
or support for
513. Harrowing excruciating
514. Clip cut or trim
515. Slash - Cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or
machete, Beat severely with a whip or rod
516. Yank - Pull, or move with a sudden movement
517. Showboat - Display proudly; act ostentatiously or
pretentiously, Someone who deliberately behaves in such a
way as to attract attention
518. Impasse - A situation in which no progress can be made
or no advancement is possible (deadlock)
519. Brinkmanship - The policy of pushing a dangerous
situation to the brink of disaster
520. Showmanship - The ability to present something
(especially theatrical shows) in an attractive manner
521. Panache - Distinctive and stylish elegance
522. Swing - Influence decisively
523. Downturn - A worsening of business or economic
activity (Downswing, Downtrend)
524. Pastor - A person authorized to conduct religious
worship ( Curate, Minister )
525. Curate -Organize or administer a museum, collection or
exhibition; act as a curator
526. Electorate group of voters or a group of supporters
( constituency )
527. Padlocks - A detachable lock
528. Barrel - Move along very quickly
529. Lapse failure to maintain a certain state, Drop to a
lower level, go by ( time related)
530. Grovel - Show submission or fear
531. Recall - A request by the manufacturer of a defective
product to return the product (as for replacement or repair)
532. Antitrust - Of laws and regulations; designed to protect
trade and commerce from unfair business practices
533. Motion a proposal
534. Pall curtain, Become less interesting or attractive, A
sudden numbing dread
535. Staple - a necessary commodity for which demand is
constant, raw materials, Necessary or important
536. Petrify - Cause to become stonelike, stiff or dazed and
537. Pepper - Attack and bombard with or as if with missiles,
Add (something) at frequent intervals
538. Washup wear out completely, act of washing
539. Protuberance - Something that bulges out or is
protuberant or projects from its surroundings
540. Snag - A sharp protuberance. Get by acting quickly and
smartly, An unforeseen obstacle
541. Run-in quarrel, debate
542. Fleeting - Lasting for a markedly brief time
543. Fleet move along rapidly and hurriedly ( Dart )
544. Walloping very large, a sound defeat
545. Wallop defeat soundly and utterly, hit hard
546. reinin - (driving) stop or slow up one's horse or oneself
by or as if by pulling the reins, to stop or check by
547. Flinch - Draw back, as with fear or pain, A
reflex response to sudden pain
548. Gadfly -A persistently annoying person, a nuisance
549. Craw stomach
550. Repel - Cause to move back by force or influence
551. Repeal cancel officially, The act of abrogating; an
official or legal cancellation
552. Mystify - Make mysterious, Be confusing or perplexing
553. Radical revolutionary
554. Insure ensure, Protect by insurance
555. Rollout - Flatten or spread with a roller
556. Standof - The finish of a contest in which the score is
tied and the winner is undecided
557. Brisk - Very active, Quick and energetic
558. Factious - characterized by internal dissension
559. Tramp - A person who engages freely in promiscuous
560. Monopoly - Exclusive control or possession of
something, (economics) a market in which there are many
buyers but only one seller
561. Creak- Make a high-pitched, screeching noise,, A
squeaking sound
562. Obscurantist cheater, beguiler
563. Canonical basic or simple
564. Bicker argue over petty things
565. Squabble bicker
566. Fluke good fortune, A stroke of luck, coincidence
567. Diaspora - The dispersion or spreading of something
that was originally localized (as a people or language or
culture), ,The body of Jews (or Jewish communities) outside
Palestine or modern Israel
568. Parish a local church community, a community
569. Underdog - One at a disadvantage and expected to
lose, unsuccessful person, a loser
570. Embezzle Appropriate ( to set aside for a particular
use ) (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to
one's own use
571. Capsize overturn ( ultejaoa )
572. Bristle - A stiff hair or fiber, Be in a state of movement
or action, Rise up as in fear
573. Tender - Given to sympathy, gentleness or
574. Vaunt - Extravagant self-praise
575. Fling throw away
576. Finicky - Exacting especially about details, particular
( fussy , picky )
577. Arc - Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied
electric field
578. Dispense distribute, Give or provide in small portions
579. Simulacrum effigy, A representation of a person
(especially in the form of sculpture),, An insubstantial or
vague semblance
580. Semblance - An erroneous mental representation, An
outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately
581. Manoeuver - Determine the direction of traveling ,
582. Recess adjourn
583. Quorum - A gathering of the minimal number of
members of an organization to conduct business
584. Ladle a long spoon
585. Ladle - Remove with or as if with a ladle
586. Steep - Devote (oneself) fully to
587. Lore - Knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote
588. Ornate - Marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated
with decorative details, Highly or excessively decorated
589. Cue - Assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting
the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly
learned,A stimulus that provides information about what to
590. Straddle - Range or extend over; occupy a certain area,
591. Pry - To move or force, especially in an effort to get
something open, Search or inquire in a meddlesome way
592. Token - Something serving as a sign of something else,
Insignificantly small; a matter of form only
593. Hurdle an obstacle
594. Gaudy - Tastelessly showy , brassy
595. Stoop crouch
596. Gouge - Obtain by coercion or intimidation, Make a
groove in, Force with the thumb
597. Snitch- Give away information about somebody, Take
by theft, Someone acting as an informer or decoy for the
police, Someone who reports another person's wrongdoings
to someone in authority
598. Pout - Be in a huff and display one's displeasure, Make
a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip
599. Huf - A state of irritation or annoyance, Inhale
recreational drugs, Blow hard and loudly
600. Grumpy - Annoyed and irritable, bad tempered
601. Canopy - A covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a
roof to shelter an area from the weather, The transparent
covering of an aircraft cockpit, he umbrella-like part of a
parachute that fills with air
602. Tally -Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in
their characteristics, Keep score, as in games
603. Leach penetrate or permeate gradually
604. Unsound - Containing or based on a fallacy
605. Forthcoming - Readily reacting or replying to people or
events or stimuli; showing emotion, Available when required or
as promised, Of the relatively near future, Sociable and at ease
talking to others; expressive and lively
606. Bling - Flashy, ostentatious jewelry
607. Twilight - The time of day immediately following
sunset, A condition of decline following successes
608. Plunge - Thrust or throw into, Drop steeply , devout
fully to,
609. Pub - A building with a bar that is licensed to sell
alcoholic drinks ( Tavern )
610. Embarrassment excessive
611. Pent-up - Characterized by or showing the suppression
of impulses or emotions
612. Scuttle - To move about or proceed hurriedly,
Intentionally undermine, ruin, or cause to fail (a plan, etc.),
Deliberately sink a ship or boat
613. Holdout - Thrust or extend out, Stand up or offer
resistance to somebody or something, Wait uncompromisingly
for something desirable, Continue to live through hardship or
adversity, A negotiator who hopes to gain concessions by
refusing to come to terms, A refusal by a negotiator to come to
terms in the hope of obtaining a better deal,
614. Haven - A shelter serving as a place of safety or
615. Falter be unsure and weak, Walk unsteadily, Speak
haltingly, The act of pausing uncertainly
616. Interlocutor middle man, A person who takes part in
a conversation
617. Quash to put down by force, declare invalid ( annul )
618. Bash to hit hard, A vigorous blow, An uproarious party
619. Kink - Curl tightly, form a curl, curve, or kink, A
difficulty or flaw in a plan or operation , An eccentric idea
620. Din - A loud harsh or strident noise, Instill (into a
person) by constant repetition
621. Strident blatant, vociferous
622. Tycoon a business magnate
623. Kinky - (informal) strikingly unconventional, (used of
sexual behavior) showing or appealing to bizarre or deviant
624. Excerpt - A passage selected from a larger work
625. Lopsided - Turned or twisted toward one side ( awry )
awry also means Off Course ( deviation type )
626. Solitude - A state of social isolation
627. Moniker nickname
628. Tactile - Producing a sensation of touch, Of or relating
to or proceeding from the sense of touch
629. Bloat swell up
630. Enamor Attract, captivate, enchant, fascinate
631. Snoop - Watch, observe, or inquire secretly
632. Erstwhile belonging to some prior time
633. Spook - A person secretly employed in espionage for a
634. Staggering - So surprisingly impressive as to stun or
635. Maiden an unmarried girl ( Virgin )
636. Backdrop - the context and environment in which
something is set
637. Fondle caress
638. Grope - Fondle for sexual pleasure, Search blindly or
639. Prattle - Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly
and incessantly,, Idle or foolish and irrelevant talk
640. Entreaty - Earnest or urgent request
641. Incriminate accuse
642. Dash -Distinctive and stylish elegance
643. Stammer speak haltingly
644. Buf - An ardent follower and admirer, Strike, beat
repeatedly, Polish and make shiny
645. Squelch - Suppress or crush completely, A crushing
646. Virile - Characterized by energy and vigor
647. Intersperse - Place at intervals in or among
648. Stud - Scatter or intersperse like dots or studs, A man
who is virile and sexually active
649. Brittle , Lacking warmth and generosity of spirit
650. Pithy Concise and full of meaning ( terse )
651. Vaunt Extravagant self-praise, boast
652. Regress - The reasoning involved when you assume
the conclusion is true and reason backward to the evidence,
Go back to a previous state, Go back to bad behavior
653. Bamboozle - Conceal one's true motives from
especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to
gain an end
654. Muzzle - Prevent from speaking out, The open circular
discharging end of a gun
655. Yell - Utter a sudden loud cry, Utter or declare in a
very loud voice
656. Ancillary adjunct or Furnishing added support
657. Telltale - Disclosing unintentionally, Someone who
gossips indiscreetly
658. Fuss - Worry unnecessarily or excessively, A quarrel
about petty points, An angry disturbance
659. Surmount - Get on top of; deal with successfully,
Reach the highest point of, Be or do something to a greater
660. Surmountable - Capable of being surmounted or
661. Clairvoyance - Apparent power to perceive things that
are not present to the senses
662. Venial - Easily excused or forgiven, warranting only
temporal punishment
663. Jaundiced - Affected by jaundice, Showing or affected
by prejudice or envy or distaste
664. Jaundice - Distort adversely
665. Hedge- Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or
performing (duties, questions, or issues), A fence formed by a
row of closely planted shrubs or bushes, Hinder or restrict
with or as if with a hedge, Minimize loss or risk
666. Paradigm an example or epitome ,, The generally
accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time
667. Cybernetics (biology) the field of science concerned
with processes of communication and control (especially the
comparison of these processes in biological and artificial
668. Belabor - Attack verbally with harsh criticism, beat
669. Snippet - A small piece of anything (especially a piece
that has been snipped off)
670. Precipitous very steep, Done with very great haste
and without due deliberation
671. Warrant - Show to be reasonable or provide adequate
ground for
672. Certitude - Total certainty or greater certainty than
circumstances warrant
673. Sidestep - Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or
performing (duties, questions, or issues)
674. Enliven - Heighten or intensify, make lively
675. Pander - Yield (to); give satisfaction to, Gratify or
676. Impart - Transmit (knowledge or skills), Provide a
particular quality or character, Serve as the medium for
677. Puf - Smoke and exhale strongly, Breathe noisily,
Praise extravagantly
678. Disparity inequality
679. Adept Having or showing knowledge and skill and
680. Transmogrify - Change completely the nature or
appearance of
681. Crevasse a deep fissure
682. Tarpaulin waterproofed canvas used to cover and
protect things from moisture
683. Estuary - The wide part of a river where it nears the
sea; fresh and salt water mix
684. Pod - A group of aquatic mammals
685. Procrastinate - Postpone doing what one should be
686. Churn be agitated
687. Regurgitate- Repeat after memorization, Eject the
contents of the stomach through the mouth, repeat
(information) without analyzing or comprehending it.
688. Grueling arduous, Characterized by effort
to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
689. Broker arrange or negotiate ( a settlement, deal, plan
etc )
690. Gusto - Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
691. Stooge - A person of unquestioning obedience, A
victim of ridicule or pranks
692. Recapitulate - Summarize briefly, (music) repeat an
earlier theme of a composition
693. Onset - The beginning or early stages, (military) an
offensive against an enemy (using weapons)
694. Provision - Set aside (money etc.) for the future or a
known liability
695. Wean - Gradually deprive (infants and
young mammals) of mother's milk, Stop depending on
696. Wink blink, Gleam or glow intermittently
697. Grandstand - perform ostentatiously in order to
impress the audience and with an eye to the applause
698. Clientele a group of customers and clients
699. Suave - Having a sophisticated charm, Smoothly
agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication
700. Carp to raise trivial objection, complain or find fault
701. Quibble to bicker, to squabble
702. Husky - Muscular and heavily built, Deep and harsh
sounding as if from shouting, illness or emotion
703. Fraught - Marked by distress
704. Dicey - Of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with
705. Fallout - Any adverse and unwanted secondary effect,
The radioactive particles that settle to the ground after a
nuclear explosion
706. Infighting - Conflict between members of the same
organization (usually concealed from outsiders)
707. Centrist - Supporting or pursuing a course of action
that is neither liberal nor conservative, A person who takes a
position in the political center
708. Overshadow - Make appear small by comparison, Cast
a shadow upon
709. Apprehend to nab
710. Flier - An advertisement (usually printed on a page or
in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution
711. Tack to attach, fix to
712. Shrug - Raise one's shoulders to indicate lack of
knowledge, indifference or resignation
713. Shrugof - Minimize the importance of, dismiss, ignore
714. Immaculate - Completely neat and clean, Free from
stain or blemish, Without fault or error
715. Ordain to order, Issue an order
716. Renegade rebel
717. Laggard some who takes more time than necessary,
a drone or trailer
718. Conceit - Feelings of excessive pride ( vanity ), false
719. Scrollwork- Decoration consisting of spiral lines or
720. Rococo - Having excessive asymmetrical
721. Curio - Something unusual -- perhaps worthy of
722. Sublimate - Make more subtle or refined, (chemistry)
remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and
separate through the process of distillation, Change or cause
to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first
melting, Vaporize and then condense right back again
723. Vintage - The time when something was produced, The
oldness of wines, A season's yield of wine from a vineyard
724. Plebiscite - A vote by the electorate determining
public opinion on a question of national importance
725. Lapse - Pass into a specified state or condition, A break
or intermission in the occurrence of something, End, at least
for a long time
726. Recuperate - Regain or make up for ( Recoup ), Regain
a former condition after a financial loss, Restore to
good health or strength
727. Commentary - A written explanation or criticism or
illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
728. Ensemble - A coordinated outfit (set of clothing), A
group of musicians, (art) an assemblage of parts or details
(as in a work of art) considered as forming a whole
729. Thespian ( thesp ) an actor
730. Lumber - The wood of trees cut and prepared for use
as building material, Move heavily or clumsily
731. Log - A segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of
732. Orgy - excessive indulgence in a specified activity
733. Stamp - Walk noisily, heavily or angrily, The distinctive
form in which a thing is made
734. Mire entrap
735. Stampede - Cause to run in panic
736. Malady a disease or ailment
737. Intonation - Rise and fall of the voice pitch
738. Inflection - Deviation from a straight or normal course,
A manner of speaking in which the loudness, pitch or tone of
the voice is modified, A change in the form of a word (usually
by adding a suffix) to indicate a change in its grammatical
739. Watershed - An event marking a unique or important
historical change of course or one on which important
developments depend
740. Tamp - Press down tightly
741. Oncology - The branch of medicine concerned with the
study and treatment of tumors
742. Regression -An abnormal state in which development
has stopped prematurely, A return to an earlier state
743. Hush - fall silent, tranquil silence
744. Snorkel - Breathing device consisting of a bent tube
fitting into a swimmer's mouth and extending above the
surface; allows swimmer to breathe while face down in the
water,, dive with a snorkel
745. Shimmer - Shine with a weak or fitful light
746. Wade - Walk (through relatively shallow water)
747. Lull Calm or send to sleep typically with soothing
sounds or movements
748. Fortitude - Strength of mind that enables one to
endure adversity with courage
749. Spectacle - An elaborate and remarkable display on a
lavish scale
750. Lactate - (of a woman) produce breast milk for a baby
to drink
751. Pediatrics - The branch of medicine concerned with
the treatment of infants and children
752. Roulette - A gambling game in which players bet on
which compartment of a revolving wheel a small ball will
come to rest in
753. Perforate to make a hole
754. Scald - A burn cause by hot liquid or steam, to scold
755. Stately - Impressive in appearance (baronial )
756. Brothel - building where prostitutes are available
757. Slate -Designate or schedule, Strongly criticize
758. Mantle - Shelf that projects from wall above fireplace,
Spread over a surface
759. Pasty pallid (Abnormally deficient in color as
suggesting physical or emotional distress )
760. Unbeknownst - occurring or existing without the
knowledge of
761. Cozy - Enjoying or affording comforting warmth and
shelter especially in a small space
762. Skim examine hastily, Move or pass swiftly and lightly
over the surface of
763. Feeble weak or lacking strength and vigor
764. Gouge - Force with the thumb, Obtain by coercion or
intimidation, An impression in a surface (as made by a blow)
765. Gorge - A narrow pass (especially one between
mountains), Overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of
766. Glut surplus, overabundance, Overeat or eat
767. Accrue grow by addition, to come into possession of
768. Accrete to Accrue
769. Ingratiate - Gain favor with somebody by deliberate
770. Dip - Immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or
saturate, Go down momentarily, A thief who steals from the
pockets or purses of others in public places
771. Shenanigan - Reckless or malicious behavior that
causes discomfort or annoyance in others, The use of tricks
to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)
772. Naysayer - Someone with an aggressively negative
773. Short - Cheat someone by not returning him enough
774. Sputter - Make an explosive sound, Climb awkwardly
( Scramble )
775. Bubble- A speculative scheme that depends on
unstable factors that the planner cannot control, An
impracticable and illusory idea
776. Abreast - Alongside each other, facing in the same
direction, Being up to particular standard or level especially
in being up to date in knowledge.
777. Urn a pot or vase
778. Joust to fight or struggle
779. Wreak - Cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
780. Cringe - Draw back, as with fear or pain, Show
submission or fear
781. Smear - Slanderous defamation, An act that brings
discredit to the person who does it, Charge falsely or with
malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of
someone, Cover (a surface) by smearing (a substance) over
782. Furor - A sudden outburst (as of protest), An interest
followed with exaggerated zeal
783. Shady - (of businesses and businessmen)
unscrupulous, Of questionable taste or morality
784. Wheeze - A clever or amusing scheme or trick, Breathe
with difficulty
785. Grumble - Show one's unhappiness or critical attitude,
A loud low dull continuous noise
786. Fret - Be agitated or irritated, Worry unnecessarily or
787. Spandex An elastic synthetic fabric
788. letalone not to mention, never mind, much less
789. Pretension - The advancing of a claim, A false or
unsupportable quality
790. Tilt - To incline or bend from a vertical position
791. Dampen - Smother or suppress
792. Clobber - Strike violently and repeatedly
793. Drub - Beat thoroughly and conclusively in a
competition or fight
794. Outcast - A person who is rejected (from society or
home), Excluded from a society
795. Cramped - Constricted in size
796. Ramshackle - In deplorable condition
797. Juncture - An event that occurs at a critical time
798. Delirious - Marked by uncontrolled excitement or
799. Anguish - Extreme distress of body or mind, suffer
great pains and sufferings
800. Fanatic - Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and
intense devotion to a cause or idea
801. Apoplectic - Pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy,
Feeling or showing extreme anger
802. Fatalism - A submissive mental attitude resulting from
acceptance of the doctrine that everything that happens is
predetermined and inevitable
803. Quirk - A strange attitude or habit, Twist or curve
804. Stomp Stamp ( walk heavily, angrily)
805. Cantina - A room or establishment where
alcoholic drinks are served over a counter
806. Hysteria - State of violent mental agitation
807. Stereotype - A conventional or formulaic conception or
image, Treat or classify according to a mental stereotype
808. Skinhead - A young person who belongs to a British or
American group that shave their heads and gather at
rock concerts or engage in white supremacist
809. Primer - An introductory textbook
810. Hemorrhage - Lose blood from one's body, The flow of
blood from a ruptured blood vessel
811. Tee - A short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball
off the ground
812. Prank - Acting like a clown or buffoon, Dress or
decorate showily or gaudily
813. Derisively - in a disrespectful and mocking manner
814. Smirk - Smile affectedly or derisively
815. Slight - A deliberate discourteous act (usually as an
expression of anger or disapproval)
816. Malevolent evil type
817. Claustrophobic - Uncomfortably closed or confined
818. Warren - An overcrowded residential area
819. Sedate - Characterized by dignity and propriety
820. Meek - Humble in spirit or manner
821. Outstrip - Be or do something to a greater degree
822. Precedent - An example that is used to justify similar
occurrences at a later time, a law established by following
earlier judicial decisions
823. Stagflation - A period of slow economic growth and
high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation)
824. Pouch - A small or medium size container for holding or
carrying things, An enclosed space
825. Overdo - Do something to an excessive degree
826. Plateau - A relatively flat highland, a state of little or
no change following a period of activity or progress.
827. Cater - Give what is desired or needed, especially
support, food or sustenance
828. Plaintif - (law) a person who brings an action in a
court of law
829. Grisly gruesome, ghastly
830. Hubbub uproar
831. Anchor - A television reporter
832. Shroud - to cover
833. Unison - Occurring together or simultaneously,
Simultaneous performance of action or utterance of speech
834. Provision a stipulated condition
835. Plank - An endorsed policy in the platform of a
political party, Set (something or oneself) down with or as if
with a noise ( Plunk )
836. Contraceptive - An agent or device intended to
prevent conception
837. Sparse not dense
838. Fiddle- Intentional deception resulting in injury to
another person, Avoid (one's assigned duties), Try to fix or
mend, Play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively
or dishonestly, Commit fraud and steal from one's employer
839. Brunt main force of a blow
840. Pelt - Attack and bombard with or as if with missiles
841. Amok amuck
842. Spar fight verbally
843. Berate - Censure severely or angrily
844. Bystander - A nonparticipant spectator
845. Spurn - Refuse with contempt
846. Myrmidon - A follower who carries out orders without
847. Autodidact self taught
848. Consanguine related by blood
849. Lye - A strong solution of sodium or
potassium hydroxide
850. Cheeky irreverent or impertinent
851. Fray a noisy fight
852. Peek - A secret look ( Peep ), Throw a glance at; take a
brief look at
853. Accouterment - Clothing that is worn or carried, but
not part of your main clothing
854. Ornery - Having a difficult and contrary disposition
855. Jibe - An aggressive remark
856. Cabbie someone who drives a car or taxi
857. Gawk look stupidly, A stupid person
858. Jilt cast aside capriciously or unfeelingly
859. Lore Knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote
860. Pat - Touch or squeeze fondly or playfully, Hit lightly
861. Slew a huge number, amount or extent
862. Mill - Move about in a confused manner
863. Upend - Set, turn, or stand on end
864. Crumble - Fall into decay or ruin, Break or fall apart
into fragments
865. Blanket wide or broad in scope and content, Cover as
if with a blanket
866. Grappling - The act of engaging in close hand-to-hand
867. Grapple - Deal with reasonably well despite some
difficulty; come to terms with
868. Rectitude - morally correct behavior or thinking;
869. Hack - Cut away, Be able to manage or manage
870. Bloc - A group of countries in special alliance, A group
of voters or politicians who have common objectives
871. Putof - Hold back to a later time ( Defer ), Cause to
feel intense dislike or distaste, Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling,
answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
872. Snarl - Utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone
873. Rambling - Long talk or text without a clear structure
or message
874. Eery - Inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and
875. Morsel - A small quantity of anything
876. Febrile - related to fever
877. Second - Give support or one's approval to
878. Gallows - An instrument of execution consisting of a
wooden frame from which a condemned person is executed
by hanging
879. Stunted - Inferior in size or quality
880. Depot - A depository for goods, Station where transport
vehicles load or unload passengers or goods, A place where
military recruits are assembled or trained before being sent
to active units
881. Tumble - Fall down, as if collapsing, Throw together in a
confused mass, Understand, usually after some initial
882. Gall irritate or vex
883. Happenstance coincidence
884. Drifter vagabond, vagrant
885. Enclave - An enclosed territory that is culturally distinct
from the foreign territory that surrounds it
886. Foothold - An area in hostile territory that has been
captured and is held awaiting further troops and supplies, A
place providing support for the foot in standing or climbing,
An initial accomplishment that opens the way for further
887. Mortar - A mixture of lime or cement, sand and water
that sets firmly; used for bonding bricks and stones of
888. Gravitate - Move toward, Be attracted to
889. Venerable - Profoundly honored
890. Cede - surrender or relinquish to the physical control of
891. Hodgepodge - A motley assortment of things, A theory
or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas
892. Snap snarl, Separate or cause to separate abruptly,
To grasp hastily or eagerly
893. Splurge An ostentatious display, Any act of
immoderate indulgence, Spend money extravagantly, Be
showy or ostentatious
894. Slump - A noticeable deterioration in performance or
895. Upbeat - Pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic, A
contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous
896. Anoint - Choose by or as if by divine intervention
897. Foyer - A large entrance, reception room, or
waiting area
898. Stable - A farm building for housing horses or other
899. Mews - Street lined with buildings that were originally
private stables but have been remodeled as dwellings
900. Flight - A stairway (set of steps) between one floor or
landing and the next
901. Shoddy - Designed to deceive or mislead either
deliberately or inadvertently, Of inferior workmanship and
902. Bunk - statements or beliefs that are untrue or make
no sense, Avoid paying
903. Cherry-pick - Choose only the best available; select
only the ones you like
904. Pepup - Make more interesting or lively, Spur on or
encourage especially by cheers and shouts
905. Hallow - Render holy by means of religious rites
906. Shore - Support by placing against something solid or
907. Sieve - Examine in order to test suitability, Check and
sort carefully
908. Sift - Check and sort carefully, Move as if through a
909. Oodles - A large number or amount
910. Patchy - Irregular or uneven in quality, texture, etc.
911. Humdrum - Not challenging; dull and lacking
912. Involved complicated or intricate
913. Ownup - Admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error
914. Cull - The person or thing that is rejected or set aside
as inferior in quality, Remove something that has been
915. Pogrom - Organized persecution of an ethnic group
(especially Jews)
916. Xenophobia - A fear of foreigners or strangers
917. Reactionary - Extremely conservative
918. Whoop - Shout, as if with joy or enthusiasm
919. Quaf - To swallow hurriedly, greedily or in one draught
920. Tipple - A serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn
from a keg, Drink moderately but regularly
921. Stein - A mug intended for serving beer
922. Upshot - A phenomenon that follows and is caused by
some previous phenomenon
923. Leapfrog - Jump across
924. Whopping - very large, extremely
925. Top-notch - Of the highest quality
926. Stump - Cause to be perplexed or confounded, Travel
through a district and make political speeches
927. Gantry - A framework of steel bars raised on side
supports to bridge over or around something; can display
railway signals above several tracks or can support a
traveling crane etc.
928. Budding - Beginning to develop
929. Pews - Long bench with backs; used in church by the
congregation, church bench
930. Gospel the teaching or revelation of Christ
931. Memoir - An account of the author's personal
experiences, An essay on a scientific or scholarly topic
932. Nary informal term for not
933. Ingrained - (used especially of ideas or principles)
deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held
934. Ingrain - Produce or try to produce a vivid impression
935. Soot carbon dirty particles
936. Grungy - thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot
937. Hymn religious song or poem
938. Spring move forward
939. Pulpit A platform raised above the surrounding level
to give prominence to the person on it
940. Kitschy - Effusively or insincerely emotional, (of a
display) tawdry or vulgar
941. Disposeof - Deal with or settle
942. Raffleof dispose of in a lottery
943. Takeout - Prepared food that is intended to be eaten
off (takeaway )
944. Duvet one kind of bed for sleeping
945. Giggle laugh nervously
946. Homophobia - Prejudice against (fear or dislike of)
homosexual people and homosexuality
947. Bugout bulge outward
948. Marinade - Mixtures of vinegar or wine and oil with
various spices and seasonings; used for soaking foods before
949. Marinate soak in marinade
950. Dabble - Dip a foot or hand briefly into a liquid, Play in
or as if in water, as of small children
951. Runaround - difficult or awkward treatment, esp. in
which someone is evasive or avoids a question.
952. Vocation an occupation or job, a strong feeling of
suitability for a particular career or occupation.
953. Seminary religious school
954. Suburbanite - A resident of a suburb
955. Indie - (of pop groups) not affiliated with a major
recording company, An independent film company not
associated with an established studio
956. Liturgy - A rite or body of rites prescribed for public
957. Slur - Utter indistinctly, Become vague or indistinct
958. Gory - Covered with blood
959. Immolate - Offer as a sacrifice by killing or by
giving up to destruction
960. Quip - A witty saying, Witty remark
961. Doubly - To two times the degree, In a twofold manner
962. Kilter - In working order
963. Martyrdom - Death that is imposed because of the
person's adherence of a religious faith or cause
964. Macabre - Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
965. Prostrate - Render helpless or defenseless
966. Oft short of Often
967. Officialdom - People elected or appointed to
administer a government
968. Creed -Any system of principles or beliefs
969. Grin - To draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a
smile, grimace, or snarl
970. Beatific - Experiencing or bestowing celestial joy
971. Ravage - Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
972. Introspection - The contemplation of your own
thoughts and desires and conduct
973. Gulag - A Russian prison camp for political prisoners
974. Disband - Cause to break up or cease to function
975. Defacto - In reality or fact
976. Lodge - Place a formal charge against, make or
become firmly fixed or embedded in a particular place, Put
money or valuables in a safe place or safe hands
977. Vault - Jump across or leap over (an obstacle)
978. Pillory - Expose to ridicule or public scorn, Criticize
harshly or violently
979. Detour - A roundabout road (especially one that is used
temporarily while a main route is blocked)
980. Earnest - Sincerely intended and with strong feeling
981. Contingent - (military) a temporary military unit
982. Detach - (military) separate (a small unit) from a
larger, especially for a special assignment
983. Mugger a robber
984. Spite- Feeling a need to see others suffer, Malevolence
by virtue of being malicious, spiteful or nasty, a desire to
hurt, annoy, or offend someone
985. Mesmerize - Maintain the complete attention of
(someone), e.g. because they are fascinated
986. Inadvisable not recommended
987. Puppetry - The art of making puppets and presenting
puppet shows
988. Statesmanship - Wisdom in the management of public
989. Thug - An aggressive and violent young criminal
990. Rut - A groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth
caused by wheels)
991. Landslide - An overwhelming electoral victory
992. Fringe - The outside boundary or surface of something,
A social group holding marginal or extreme views
993. Hound one kind of dog, Someone who is morally
reprehensible, Someone who seeks something, Pursue or
chase relentlessly
994. Plummet - Drop sharply
995. Beef complain, to strengthen or power
996. Hump -Have sexual intercourse, Something that
bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
997. Flay - Strip the skin off, criticize severely and brutally
998. Faux fake
999. Inscrutable mysterious
1000. Functionary official, A worker who holds or is
invested with an office
1001. Girth - The measurement around the middle of
something, esp. a person's waist.
1002. Assume - Take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities
1003. Sweep up embroil
1004. Undeserving - Not deserving
1005. Grit - Fortitude and determination
1006. Peach - A very attractive or seductive looking woman
1007. Beardown - Exert a force with a heavy weight, Pay
special attention to
1008. Rampage - Violently angry and destructive behavior,
Act violently, recklessly, or destructively


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