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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Hari/Tanggal : . Kelas : II (Satu) ..
Waktu : Menit Nilai :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) on A, B, C or D !

(pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang X pada jawaban yang benar !

1. This is a 9. . two potatoes.

A. Strawberry C. Grape A. There is not
B. Banana D. Durian B. There are
C. There are not
2. Where is the rabbit? D. There is
The rabbit is the table
A. In C. Beside 10. There are . (18 pulpen).
B. On D. Under A. Eighteen pencils C. Eighteen pens
B. Eight pens D. Eight pencils
3. Twenty is ..
A. 20 C. 18 C. 17 D. 12 11. The apples are .. (didalam) the basket
A. Under C. Beside
4. Alpukat in English is.. B. In D. On
A. Guava C. Avocado
B. Apple D. Orange 12. Thirteen is .
A. 12 B. 13 C. 15 D. 20
5. This is a
A. cat C. bird 13. This is .
B. dog D. fish A. a rabbit C. a dog
B. an elephant D. a cat
6. What number is it ?
A. fivety C. fifteen
B. fifty D. sixteen 14. 5+7=
A. Twelve C. Ten
7. The durian is . (dibawah) the table. B. Eleven D. Nine
A. In C. On
B. Under D. Beside 15. .. a carrot
A. There is C. There is not
8. Jagung in English is.. B. There are D. There are not
A. Potato C. Corn
B. Tomato D. Carrot

II. Essay!
16. Mention 4 things in the classroom (Sebutkan 3 benda yang ada di kelas)

17. Mention 4 animals that you know (Sebutkan 3 binatang yang kamu tahu)

18. Mention 4 fruits that you know (Sebutkan 3 buah buahan yang kamu tahu)

19. Ten, Eleven, , Thirteen, Fourteen, Sixteen.Tujuh belas apel
dalam bahasa Inggris = ..........................

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