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Tugas Membuat Paper

1. Paper di tulis secara esai, bukan power point

2. Paper menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
3. Paper diketik dengan spasi 1.5, font times new roman
4. Paper ditulis dengan panjang 3-5 halaman
5. Paper dikirim via email (paperless), melalui email:
6. Paper terakhir dikirim dua minggu setelah UTS
7. Silakan diantara mahasiswa memilih topik (diantara mahasiswa tidak boleh ada yang menulis
topik yang sama) yang ada dibawah ini:

1. Introduction to human resources management

2. Equal opportunity and the law
3. Human resources management strategy and analysis
4. Job analysis and the talent management process
5. Personnel planning and recruiting
6. Employee testing and selection
7. Interviewing candidates
8. Training and developing employes
9. Performance management and appraisal
10. Managing employee retention, engagement and careers
11. Establishing strategic pay plans
12. Pay for parformance and financial incentives
13. Benefits and services
14. Ethics, employee relations, adn fair treatment at
15. Labor relations and collective bargaining
16. Employee safety and health
17. Managing global human resources
18. Managing huan resources in small and entrepreneurial firms

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