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Which poets wrote the best long poems, or longer poems?

The poems on this page are,

in the opinion of the editorial staff of The HyperTexts and other knowledgeable
contributors, among the best long poems in the English language. Or because the
term "long" is relative, perhaps we should say the best "longer" or "longish"
poems. We have not included poems of epic length like Beowulf, Pearl, Sir Gawain
and the Green Knight, Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Edmund Spenser's The
Faerie Queen, Shakespeare's verse plays, John Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise
Regained, Lord Byron's Don Juan, John Keats' Endymion, William Carlos Williams'
Paterson, Ezra Pound's Cantos, Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, or translations of
Dante's Inferno, Virgil's Aeneid, and Homer's Odyssey and Iliad. Instead, we have
focused on longer poems that can easily be read in a single sitting.

Lizette Woodworth Reese

Old loveliness, set in the country wind,

Or down some vain town road the careless tread,
Like hush of candles lighted for the dead,
That look of yours, half seeing and half blind.
Still do you strain at door, but we come not,
The little maids, the lads, bone of your bone;
In some sad wise, you keep the dusk alone,
Old loveliness, a many a day forgot.
But no; behind each weather do you pass,
The garnered poignancies of all the springs:
At some girls belt in Lent the jonquils start;
But, oh, their like in your old windy grass!
Then are we quick with tears, rememberings;
Once more, once more, are gathered to your heart!

My house, I say. But hark to the sunny doves

That make my roof the arena of their loves,
That gyre about the gable all day long
And fill the chimneys with their murmurous song:
Our house, they say; and mine, the cat declares
And spreads his golden fleece upon the chairs;
And mine the dog, and rises stiff with wrath
If any alien foot profane the path.
So, too, the buck that trimmed my terraces,
Our whilom gardener, called the garden his;
Who now, deposed, surveys my plain abode
And his late kingdom, only from the road.

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