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Guillermo Escobar

I. Vocabulary. Learn the words below.
English Spanish English Spanish
Own Propio, tenga la propiedad de algo Turn on Enciende
Clean Limpie turn off Apaga
Spills Derrame Be careful Ten cuidado
Put Ponga bring Trae
Touch Toque be Se, ten
Bring Traiga turn Gira
Keep Mantenga touch Toque
II. Unscramble the words.
scrambled English scrambled English
1. coyu .. 8. eb ..
2. epek .. 9. efucarbel ..
3. gribn .. 10. nturon ..
4. lecan .. 11. ofrntuf ..
5. lpisls .. 12. ribng ..
6. upt .. 13. uctoh ..
7. won .. 14. urtn ..
III. Put in order the commands.

1. boots on put your ......

2. big the bring box. ......
3. the keep open door. ......
4. workshop clean the. ......
5. wall touch the. ......
6. careful oil with be the. ......
7. lights off turn the. ......
IV. Translate the sentences.

1. Traiga los guantes. ......

2. Tenga cuidado. ......
3. Encienda la luz. ......
4. Cierre el taller. ......
5. Limpie los ganchos. ......
6. Gire la perilla. ......
7. Pongase el casco ......

Must (deber)/ must not, mustnt (no deber)

I. Translate the sentences.

8. You must not use a cell phone. ....

9. He must not wear shoes. ....
10. They must turn on u the radio. ....
11. She must close the workshop. ....

Lic. Guillermo Escobar

Lic. Guillermo Escobar
12. We must clean the oil spill. ....
13. You must wear a helmet. ....
14. They must not safety glasses. ....

II. Translate the sentences.

15. No debes jugar en clases. ....

16. Ella no debe abrir la puerta. ....
17. Ellos deben colgar los cascos. ....
18. Debemos cuidar el taller. ....
19. No debemos derramar aceite. ....
20. Debemos usar guantes. ....
21. Ellos no deben informar esto. ....
III. Read the sentences and circle the right answer.
a. You mustn't stop. a. You mustn't enter.
b. You must stop. b. You must park.
c. You must slow down. c. You mustn't drop litter.

a. You mustn't enter. a. You mustn't park here.

b. You must enter. b. You must stop.
c. You must slow down c. You mustn't slow down.
a. You must stop and wait. a. You mustn't go.
b. You must go b. Cyclists mustn't ride here.
c. You must slow down c. Pedestrians mustn't enter.

a. You mustn't walk. a. You mustn't stop.

b. You mustn't turn right. b. You must go.
c. You mustn't turn left. c. You must stop and wait .

a. You mustn't smoke. a. Cyclists mustnt go.

b. You mustn't drop litter. b. Motorists mustn't go.
c. You must cross the street. c. Pedestrians must go.

a. It's a zebra-crossing. a. You mustn't wait .

b. It isn't a crosswalk. b. You mustn't make a U-turn.
c. Petestrians mustn't walk. c. You must slow down.

Lic. Guillermo Escobar

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