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Schleif 1

Jessica Schleif

Fellows Patrice

Support Students with Disabilities

5 July 2017

Read and Reflect 8 Tips for Working with Special Needs Children

I thought that this article had provided some very important points on how to interact and

treat someone with a disability; especially if you have not had any previous interactions with a

child with disabilities. But for someone who has been exposed to the special education world this

article was also kind of a shocker because I was under the impression that this many of these

tips were common knowledge and simple common courtesies on how to treat students in

general. However, I do see how some of the people could not know that these tips which are

commonly used with normal students could be applied to every child even if they have a

disability. I also feel that many people see or notice the disability and think that they need to

change their interaction with that child completely because of that disability when really that

need to treat that child as much like the other children as possible in order to give those children

as mush of a normal life as possible.

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