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The Grammar of Conducting

. The Beat( )

1) Legato beat( )

2) Staccato beat( )

3) Neutral beat( )

. Starting Techniques( )

1) Preparatory position of attention( )

2) The Count on a Fractional Value( )

3) Fermata

. Tempo Ritardando( )

1) Reduce speed()

2) Subdivision()

3) Between beat( )

4) Accellerando

5) Fermata

1) Legato beat :
} Inertia, (+) ;
} Clicking(Staccato, Marcato), ,
} Swing, Slow motion
2) Staccato beat :
} Stop motion point( ) .
} Tempo .
} Between beat Staccato beat Family.(ex. 4
8 )
3) Neutral beat :
} Tempo point .
} 1) Prepratory position of attention
} 2) The Count on a Fractional Value
} 3) Fermata
} (auftakt, pickup)
4 - Figure
3 - Figure
2 - Figure
2 - Figure
2 - Figure
} :
} a) Use of an Extra beat( )
} b) Dont use an Extra beat(Extra beat
} c) Selectively use an Extra beat with care(
} d)
} e) Tempo
a) Use an Extra beat
b) Dont use an Extra beat
c) Selectively use an Extra beat
with care( )
Verdi, La Forza del Destino Overture
3) The count on a Fractional Value
e) Tempo

3) The count on a Fractional Value
f) Free Style
} Mozart, Die Zauberfloete Overture
} a) Fermata
} b) Fermata
} c) Fermata
} d) Rest, G.P, Interruption, Comma
a) Fermata
b) Fermata
} Rest
} General Pause
} Interruption
General Pause
} 1) Reduce Speed(legato beat )
} 2) Subdivision
} 3) Between beat
} 4) Accellerando
} 5) Fermata
} 4/4
} 3/4
} 2/4
} 6/8, 6/4, 3/2
} 9/8
} 12/8
} a) in 6 (2x3)
} b) in 1 -> Between beat
Tchaikovsky no.6 4th move
G. Verdi, La traviata Brindisi
Beethoven, Egmont Overture
} a) in 9
} b) in 3
Tchaikovsky Symphony no.4 1st move
} a) in 12
} b) in 4
a) In 12
b) In 4
} Hemiola
} 7/4, 5/4
} 7/8, 5/8
Beethoven Symphony no.3 1st
Tchaikovsky String Serenade 1.
7/8, 5/8

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