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This situation marked an important moment where I was given the honor to stand in front of the
people I grew up with and act as a leader as I spoke about our futures. This was a very
significant time to give a speech in front of my peers because it would be the last time that we
would all be gathered together.

Why I did it. My motivation.

When I attended my older sisters high school graduation 3 years prior to mine, I watched the
valedictorian, salutatorian, senior class president and head council president all give speeches
and it motivated me to run for head council president my senior year of high school so that I
could do the same. So, although I was asked by my principal to give a speech at the end of the
year, I ran for my position purposefully knowing that I would be giving one.

Hopes and Dreams

By accomplishing this, I had hoped and dreamed that it would inspire my peers and let me feel
like I represented my graduating class right. I felt like I knew my peers well and wished to be
their voice at a pivoting time for everyone.

My Emotions in the Beginning

I was insanely nervous the morning of graduation. At one point, I broke down in tears crying
telling my parents I was going to skip graduation all together. However, I got over my public
speaking fears and fears of messing up in front of everyone.

Actions that contributed to the teams & situations success.

As one of four speakers, I did my part to deliver a speech on the topic that followed my
predecessors speech and led way to the students speech who spoke after me. I was well
prepared for my speech which made the overall process and transition between speakers very

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