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Love's Finest Oath

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Copyright 2014 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Darkness is now my warm blanket,

shrouding my lack of any tomorrows,
silence has become my sweet music,
drowning all sounds of my sorrows,

My tears are now turned to stone,

fallen pebbles upon harsh ground,
my heart struggles in its pumping,
blood once red now turned to brown,

All my hopes are but wisps of jokes,

subtle hints of a future gone wrong,
my laughter is but a faint whimper,
with your sweet smile forever gone,

Death has taken you within its lair,

to hold you wickedly in its cold arms,
but the grave can never appreciate,
your beauty nor your sweet charms,

It will never ever know you as did I,

nor love you as I love you still now,
I will find you my love, O I swear,
some day, some where, some how...

(Written 3/19/2014)
(Originally written under the title Fixated)
(Title revised 10/25/2014)

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