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Twenty Six She'd Be

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Copyright 2012 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

As numbing doubts assail me,

Cast adrift in an endless sea,
Lost within shadows silence,
Heart torn asunder in violence.

I seek from you yet an answer,

As one within a fire a dancer,
Sobbing screaming a wailing,
The ship of truth never sailing.

Why is it that she's gone away,

Someone's sickly idea of play,
Stealing life so young so sweet,
Torn prey beneath a lions feet?

What secret words were uttered,

As her bread you aptly buttered,
Feeding her your serpentine lie,
Craftily leading her away to die?

Did it put a smile upon your face,

As she put the rope noose in place,
Was your evil appetite at all sated,
As from this world her life faded?
Were your eyes filled with ecstasy,
Setting loose the wailing banshee,
Tasting the sweetness of her death,
Her breasts no more rising in breath?

Her mom and dad sobbing in heaves,

As you enjoy the evil you conceived,
The lowering of the casket to ground,
Dirt thrown making a ghastly sound.

November 16th twenty six she'd be,

Yet another birthday she would see,
Except for you O' Mighty Macbeth,
Proving your prowess in her death.

One day we shall meet face to face,

Your lies no longer finding a place,
Upon her shoulders so sweet to ride,
As you talk young girls into suicide.

On that day not a one will protest

The gallows putting suicide to rest,
Then peace shall return like a dove,
Leaving me to long for her true love.

(Written Nov 15th, 2012)

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