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Riches Allusions Of Grandiosity's Illusions

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Copyright 2013 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Self deluding allusions of illusions of surreal realities real to feel congeal,

as defecating lies upon grand ideals of plans eloquently exquisite to steal,
of one flexing ones muscles before a mirrored image ever falsely to view,
that which so many seek after in rabid desire to be achieved by yet so few,

years spent in foolish pursuit of trivialities pitifully poorly inconsequential,

deemed ever so importantly essential in feeding ones ego in that substantial,
essence of etiquette effacing embrace sought in whimsical childish appetite,
of pigs truly pork revealed as hogs whilst behaving as swine ever so polite,

never receiving their fill in sating their hunger, insatiably, lustfully, ravenous,
devouring even ones own spirit to leave ones heart and mind ever cavernous,
full only of empty hollow echoes of character's long lonely abandoned chasms,
leaving ones insides churning and burning in overtly obscene digestive spasms,

all in the name of things sought after as unlivable if one must live without,
prostituting ones conscience in slaughtered sacrifice upon altars of clout,
to prostate oneself before mighty idolatrous gods of unobtainable dreams,
in selling all to investments of grandiosity's omnipresent unlikely schemes,

to open ones eyes a day too late to realize one has brought oneself this fate,
no one to blame nor charge in matters of any hoped for future court's date,
as the reality of wasted years spent in grasping only air becomes all to clear,
leaving one nothing less than nothing and nothing at all left but a cold fear,

to drown in ones sorrows of having missed the mark in so seeking oneself,

having long ago lost oneself in the quest of seeking to find oneself in stealth,
negating all boundaries of what one was willing to do in achieving of goals,
as death reveals to a barren heart that ones life is but now weevil eaten bolls,

'tis time to pay the piper for a lifetime spent in pretending one was surely God,
so why now lie in a darkened coffin to gaze in wonder as if finding it so odd,
that, that, which one has sown has now sprouted into lifelessness in the grave,
to leave one an eternity to contemplate yet bigger plans of how riches to save

(Written March 3rd, 2013)

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