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By: Llasmin, Chiara, Kimberly, Ketim, Lidia, and Shahad

Objective: How do we measure the electrical activity of the human heart (EKG) and
what do the waveforms mean?

1. Understand how the contraction and the relaxation of the heart is related to the pqrst waveforms
in an EKG.

2. Use logger pro software and the vein probes to perform an EKG with your lab partners

3. Analyze the results of the EKG and explain what this means about how your heart is working.
About the Heart

The heart is responsible for pumping blood via a 60,000

mile long network of vessels through your body. The
human heart can beat up to 100,000 times a day, 40 million
times in a year and beating up to 3 billion times over the
average lifetime. The heart keeps the body supplied with
oxygen and nutrients while cleansing away waste matter.
The heart is located in the middle of the chest, behind the
breastbone and between the lungs protected by the rib
cage.The heart is the size of its owners fist clenched.
2 pumps 4 chambers, Pumping and transporting

A muscle called the septum divides two separate pumps

on each side of the heart. The upper chamber on each
side of the heart is called the atrium. This is connected
vis a sealing valve to the larger more powerful lower
chamber called the ventricle. When the heart contracts.
The chambers become smaller forcing the blood out of
the atria into the ventricles, then from each ventricle
into a large blood vessel connected to the top of the
heat. The pulmonary artery takes blood to the lungs to
receive oxygen. The aorta transports freshly
oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
Development Speed
Developed in different stages inside the The heart can speed up or slow down in
womb. The heart first resembles a fishs automatic response to nerve signals from the
heart, then a frogs which has two chambers, brain that tell it how much the body is being
then a snakes with three chambers, before exerted. The heart normally contracts and
eventually developing the four-chambered relaxes between 70 to 80 times per minute.
structure of the human heart. With each heartbeat the four chambers fill
with fresh blood.
Life force Broken Hearts
The heart is the center of the blood delivery
Heart disease has risen steadily over the last
system making it the center of life. Blood
century, especially in industrial countries, due
supplies oxygen from the lung to other organs
to large changes in diet and lifestyle. Heart
and tissues and removes carbon dioxide to the
disease is the leading cause of death for both
lungs where the gas is breathed out. Blood
men and women in the united states.
also distributes nourishments from the
digestive system and hormones from the
glands. Our immune system cells also travel in
the blood stream.
What is an EKG?

An electrocardiogram (EXG) is a test that records electrical activity across multiple heart beats and
produces an EKG strip that is interpreted by a professional.
EKG Wave Forms
P-Q Wave -the depolarization of the
sino-atrial node -causes atrial systole

Q-R-S wave -the depolarization of the

atrioventricular node - causes
ventricular systole

S-T Wave- ventricles regain electrical


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