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Anthony Sohit

SAT Vocab 11
Period 2

1. Abstain (v)- to keep oneself back. Ex. Because of my health, I am going to

abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
2. Affluence (n)- a profuse or abundant supply of riches. Ex. When the
economy crashed, many people of affluence became poor.
3. Coerce (v)- to force. Ex. The bully tried to coerce the small kids into giving
him their lunch money.
4. Distraught (adj.)- distracted, deeply upset, and bewildered. Ex. When my
father died, I was so distraught I dropped out of school.
5. Fluctuate (v)- to pass backward and forward irregularly from one state or
degree to another. Ex. Each day, the price of gold will fluctuate on the
6. Indulgence (n)- the yielding to inclination passion, desire, or propensity in
oneself or another. Ex. My indulgent parents give me everything I want.
7. Laborious (adj.)- requiring much work, exterior or perseverance; toilsome.
Ex. When you just start exercising it may seem laborious, but over time it
gets easier.
8. Nefarious (adj.)- wicked in the extreme. Ex. How nefarious of you to fling
dog crap on my car!
9. Ponder (v)- to meditate or reflect upon. Ex. Because my father debates
every decision, he will ponder before deciding if I can take part in my
friends mixed gender sleepover.
10. Relevant (adj.)- bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand. Ex.
Because the job applicants experience was not relevant to the position, we
did not make him an offer of employment.
11. Secure (v)- to place, keep, or withdraw from the companionship or others.
Ex. I keep my personal documents and money in a secure safe.
12. Suggestive (adj.)- stimulating to thought or reflection. Ex. Attractive and
suggestive views requires confirmation and independent support.
13. Treachery (n)- violation of allegiance , confidence, or plighted faith. Ex.
Benedict Arnold is infamous for the treachery that he displayed when he
turned on the Revolutionary Army during the Revolutionary War.
14. Voracious (adj.)- eating with creepiness or in very large quantities. Ex. The
football player was a voracious eater who easily consumed two chickens
during one meal.
15. Fanatic (n) a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm for a topic,
esp. Politics or religion. Ex. My husband is an exercise fanatic who runs six
miles every day.

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