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5 Tbsp refined oil

1 cassia stick

6 cloves

4 green cardamoms

1 large onion chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 1/2 fresh ginger, peeled and chopped

1 1/2 lb chicken cut into 8 - 10 pieces

Grated nutmeg

1 1/4 cup yogurt

1 tsp coriander powder

1 tsp turmeric powder

Sea Salt

100 ml water

1 cup almond paste

1 tsp saffron (kesar) threads, soaked in 2 Tbsp. of hot milk

1 cup milk

For the Tempering:

6 - 7 dried red kashmiri chillies

1 Tbsp ghee

4 - 5 green cardamoms

For Garnishing:

1 tsp ghee

3 - 4 whole red chillies

Mint leaves
In a pan, dry roast cassia, green cardamom, cloves, brown cardamom and grated

In a mortar and pestle, grind these masalas together. Take out the husk and bash
the masalas further.
Creating a Base:

In a pan, heat 1 tbsp of oil and add a cup of finely chopped onions. Sweat the
onions till it becomes pink in color.

Add 6 cloves, 2 finely chopped garlic cloves and 1 chopped ginger and keep

Add a tsp of the pounded spices in this pan. Mix it well.

Add coriander powder, turmeric powder, sea salt (to taste) and keep mixing them

Add water to combine all the spices and keep stirring continuously.

Add whisked yogurt to this masala base slowly and keep stirring continuously.

Add a cup of almond paste and incorporate it in this mixture by stirring it


Add saffron infused milk and stir well till the gravy doesn't thicken.

Add dried apricots and salt and keep stirring.

Cut gashes into the chicken pieces and add the chicken into this mixture. Keep
stirring and let the gravy thicken.

Mix in milk, lower the flame, cover and simmer (boil slowly at low temperature) for
35-40 minutes or until chicken is cooked thoroughly.

Uncover the pan for the last 10 minutes of cooking to reduce and concentrate

With a help of a colander, strain the chicken gravy in a pan in such a way that
it's only the residual masalas remaining in the colander with the chicken pieces.

Add the chicken in the strained gravy and temper the Badami Ghosht.

For the tempering:

Heat ghee in a pan and add chillies, and green cardamoms.

Add the tempering into the badami murgh.

For Garnishing:

Add a tsp of ghee in a pan. Add the chillies and mint leaves till it becomes crispy
and fried

Pour it over the badami chicken and serve hot.

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