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lb Chicken
3 nos Onions (finely chopped)
6 nos Garlic (whole cloves)
1 inch Ginger (crushed)
10 nos Curry leaves (tempering)
tsp Cumin seeds (tempering)
tsp Turmeric powder
tsp Red chili powder
2 tsp Coriander /dhania powder
2 nos Green chili
1 tsp Salt (or to taste)
5 tsp Oil
2 stks Coriander leaves (chopped for garnishing)

6 nos Dry curry leaves
2 tbsp Black peppercorn
1 tsp Fennel seeds
1 tsp Cumin seeds
1 no Cloves
1 no Cinnamon (1/2 stick)


For the Spice powder: Grind all ingredients in table-2 (Black peppercorn + Cumin
seeds + Fennel seeds + Dry Curry leaves + Cloves + Cinnamon) to a fine powder and
keep aside.

For the Sukka Varuval: Wash the chicken and cut into bite size pieces. (Using whole
cut chicken gives good flavour than boneless). Heat oil in a pan, splutter cumin
seeds and curry leaves. Turn the flame to medium high and add chopped onions, slit
open green chilies, whole garlic cloves and crushed ginger. Fry them till they turn
slightly brown. Now add the washed chicken pieces along with turmeric powder. Cover
the pan with lid and steam until fully cooked. Now bring the flame down to medium
low, add red chili powder, coriander powder, prepared spice powder and salt. Keep
frying until it fully coats and thickens. At this stage the masala will stick
heavily to the bottom of the pan as there are absolutely no tomatoes in this recipe
and without any water content the masala tend to become dry. This shouldnt be a
problem if using non stick pan but on the other hand with regular aluminum kadai or
steel, its usually a problem. Sprinkle little water to avoid too much burning to
the bottom of the pan. Keep the flame over medium low until the whole masala gets
browned and thickens to desired consistency. Scrape the pan and get all the masala
out and transfer to a bowl and garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot with
(sambar / rasam / curd) rice.

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