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Gabrielle Parra

Technology in Education- CIED 1003

23 August 2017

Google News Assignments

-First Assignment-

1. Search term: Elementary Education

2. Title of the article: State puts time squeeze on elementary schools, Free-play requirement

added to supervised activity

3. Who published it: Julie Gorham

4. Date published: August 25th, 2017

5. Where it was published:

6. URL:



In this article, a concern was voiced by some parents about the mandated recess and lunch times

of Elementary schools. Specifically at Pleasant Grove Elementary School, recess and lunch were

scheduled one after another. There were two main issues brought up: many kids either felt the

urge to rush their lunch in order to go to recess more quickly, and many others would have their

recess time cut because they ate slowly. By State law, each child must receive either 50 minutes

of recess a day for 3 days, or 30 minutes of recess a day for 5 days. Changes were made to the

schedule and now the school is strictly grants 25 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess,

even if it means taking away 5 minutes from other subject related classes.
-Second Assignment-

1. Search Term: Top News

2. Name of Country: Canada

3. Title Article: Canadians will soon be able to ID gender as X on their Passports

4. Who published it: Peter Zimonjic, Bonnie Allen, CBC

5. Date Published: August 24th, 2017

6. Where it was published:

7. URL:


Within this article, it discusses how Canada is soon enforcing a new option for passports in

regards to gender identity, specifically beginning August 31, 2017. The article then explains how

sex field must be filled out on the passport according to biological correspondence, but gender

identity will be female, male or X for unspecified. Some people interviewed for the article

claim that this is the step in the right direction for equality and making the transgender

community feel more equal in society. However, others argue that the X still specifies being

different and not like everyone else. Overall, there are fixed views but regardless, the changes

will soon occur in Canada.

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