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So, hows it going with Jack?

Not great. I mean, I like him a lot, but its impossible! D
During the week I have swimming practice on Mondays, I do tac kwon do on
Tuesdays and tennis on Thursdays D
Do you see him on Wednesdays then? N
No, he watches black and white films at his cinema club on Wednesdays! D
Yeah, and theyre not just really old films, Alfie, they watch foreign ones with
subtitles too! B
Well, theres always the weekend.
Do you go out together at the weekends? N
Thats just it, its tricky. D
He works in the bookshop all day Saturday and he goes out with his mates
from the book club on Saturday evenings. D
Whoa! Book club? N
So he loves old films and books!? N
Mmm. Does he like sports! N
No really. He thinks chess is a sport! D
Well, he watches football on the telly sometimes, but he doesnt play any
sports D
Mmm..I think youre right. Its impossible! N
Right. Im late. See you later. D
See you daisy. N B
Hi, love MA
All right, Mum? B
Yeah, im fine M
Good trip? B
Not bad, but Thailands really hot at this time of year. M
Im off to chang mai tomorrow to do a three-day trek. M
The train leaves at 5 in the morning. M
Hows daisy? Is she with you? M
No she has tennis on Thursdays B
Ah of course. No problem. Listen, ask daisy to phone me later, ok? M
The number of the hotel is on the fridge and Im in room 37. M
All right, mum. Speak later. Watch out for the snakes! B
Tranks, Ollie! Byre, love. See you Sunday. M
Is your mum in Thailand this week? N
Yea, Trekking in chang mai for three days. B
Wow, that beats going to college imagine, three days in the jungle! N
I cant imagine my mum doing that N
Cool. Does she like walking? N
No, not really. Only if its to go shopping on the high street! B
See you tomorrow. N
Yeah .see you tomorrow. B

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