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Cause and Effects

Cause Effect
Mansa Musa pilgrimage to Mecca People were drawn to Mali, including
artisans, merchants, and scholars

Usage of camels and camel saddles Facilitated the trans-saharan trade as camels
and saddles were more convenient as
decreased the number of days to travel across

Pax Mongolica Facilitate of silk road trade to the point where

oe could travel from one end of the Mongol
Empire to the other with a silver bowl upon
their head and remain untouched

Facilitated silk road trade Spread of bubonic plague

Bubonic plague Death of hundreds of millions, disruption of

societies, economies. Drove peasants to
rebellion in China

Rebellion in China Ironically, the plague that the mongols help

spread help contribute to their fall, and result
in them fleeing China to return to the Steppe

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