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Script Lab 1

Script Lab
Temporary Page for Knowledge 11 Advanced Scripting & Debugging Lab

Business Rules

Exercise 1: Incident Close Comment

* Business rule - incident, before update
* k11 Exercise 1 - Incident Close Comment
* condition: current.incident_state.changesTo("Closed")
* description: add a comment on close

//add comment when closing

current.comments = "Closed by " + gs.getUserName() + " at " +
gs.addInfoMessage("Close comment added");

// Debug info
//gs.addInfoMessage("(InfoMessage) Incident state = " +
current.incident_state); //output to app
//gs.log("(Log) Incident state = " + current.incident_state); //output
to system log
//gs.print("(debug print) Incident state = " + current.incident_state);
//output to debug console

Exercise 2: Incident Priority Change

* Business rule - incident, before insert/update
* k11 Exercise 2 - Incident Priority Change
* condition - current.category == "hardware"
* description: set hardware incidents to P1

current.priority = 1;

Exercise 3: Display Info

* Business rule - incident, after insert/update
* k11 Exercise 3 - Display Info
* condition - current.category == "software"
* description - display some information to the user

try {
Script Lab 2

//output current number

gs.addInfoMessage("Current number: " + current.number);

//output current short_description

gs.addInfoMessage("Current Short Description: " +

//output current category

gs.addInfoMessage("Current Category: " + current.category);
catch(err) {
gs.log("Error in k11 Exercise 3 business rule: " + err);

Client Scripts

Exercise 4: Category onChange

* Client script - incident, onChange of category
* k11 Exercise 4 Request Category
* Description: set urgency to low for request category, add jslog

function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) {

if (isLoading || newValue == '')

if (newValue == "request") {
g_form.setValue("urgency", 3);
jslog("k11 Exercise 5 Request Category client script: Setting
urgency to low for requests");

Background Scripts

Exercise 6: Disable Users


function disableUsers() {

//query active user records with first name b*

var users = new GlideRecord("sys_user");
users.addQuery("first_name", "STARTSWITH", "b");
Script Lab 3

gs.print("User query: " + users.getEncodedQuery() + " = " +

while ( {
//deactivate user = false;
gs.print(users.getDisplayValue() + " was disabled");

Script Includes

Exercise 7: Extending TableUtils Script Include

* Testing TableUtils getTables from background script
* enumerate java array list
var util = new TableUtils("cmdb_ci_server");
//get tables returns a java array list object, not array
var tables = util.getTables();
gs.print("Java list: " + tables);
JSUtil.logObject(tables, "tables");

//enumerate java list

for (var i=0; i < tables.size(); i++) {

* new script include that extends TableUtils so we can add our own
var MyTableUtils = Class.create();

MyTableUtils.prototype = Object.extendsObject(TableUtils, {
getTablesArray: function() {
var tables = this.getTables();
return j2js(tables);

type: "MyTableUtils"

* Testing MyTableUtils getTablesArray from background script
* enumerate javascript array instead of java array list
Script Lab 4

var util = new MyTableUtils("cmdb_ci_server");
//call our new method
var tables = util.getTables();
gs.print("Java list: " + tables);
JSUtil.logObject(tables, "tables");
var tablesArray = util.getTablesArray();
JSUtil.logObject(tablesArray, "tablesArray");
//what is util object
JSUtil.logObject(util, "util");


Exercise 8 Catalog Capacity Check

* Catalog client script - onLoad Development Laptop
* Description - AJAX request to check laptop inventory and notify user

function onLoad() {
// new GlideAjax object
var gajax = new GlideAjax("CapacityCheckAjax");
// add parameter to call function we need
gajax.addParam("sysparm_name", "checkDevCapacity");
// submit to server, call ajaxResponse function with server response

function ajaxResponse(serverResponse) {
var result = serverResponse.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("result");
var inStock = result[0].getAttribute("found_one");
var stockCount = result[0].getAttribute("stock_count");
var reservedComputer = result[0].getAttribute("reserved_computer");
if (inStock != "true") {
alert("We currently don't have any in stock so you order may be
if (reservedComputer) {
alert("There are currently " + stockCount +
" in stock, we have reserved device " + reservedComputer +
" for you");
} else {
alert("There are currently " + stockCount + " in stock");
Script Lab 5


* k11 CatalogCapacityCheck script include
* Description - handle catalog client script AJAX request to check
laptop inventory

var CapacityCheckAjax = Class.create();

CapacityCheckAjax.prototype =
Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {

// set come global properties so we only have to update them in

// place
FOUND_ONE : "found_one",
COMPUTER : "cmdb_ci_computer",
DEV_MODEL_ID : "d9d7f2c54655645600d356aab990865f",
STOCK_COUNT : "stock_count",
RESERVED_COMPUTER : "reserved_computer",

ajaxFunction_checkDevCapacity : function() {
// add some error handling
gs.log("RUNNING checkDevCapacity");
try {
this._debug("_checkDevCapacity starting");

// build new response xml element

var result = this.newItem("result");

// set result to false just in case we fail somewhere

result.setAttribute(this.FOUND_ONE, "false");

// query dev type computers for in stock

var comp = new GlideRecord(this.COMPUTER);
comp.addQuery("install_status", this.IN_STOCK); // in
// status
comp.addQuery("model_id", this.DEV_MODEL_ID);

// get the count of available computers

var stockCount = comp.getRowCount();
this._debug("_checkDevCapacity query: " +
Script Lab 6

+ " returned " + stockCount);

// out of stock, exit

if (stockCount == 0) {

// we have some so keep going

// get the first available computer
var computerToHold =;

// place one on hold for the current user

// pass computer object to the allocate function
if (this._allocateComputer(comp)) {

// populate result payload for the client

result.setAttribute(this.FOUND_ONE, "true");
} catch (err) {
gs.log("ERROR - " + this.type + "(" + err + ")");

* Hold this computer for this user in case they order should
have job to
* cleanup reserved but never ordered
_allocateComputer : function(/* GlideRecord */computer) {
try {
computer.setValue("install_status", this.RESERVED);
computer.setValue("assigned_to", gs.getUserID());
this._debug("_allocateComputer: reserved "
+ computer.getDisplayValue() + " for " +
return true;
} catch (err) {
gs.log("ERROR - " + this.type + "(" + err + ")");
Script Lab 7


* Centralized debug logging
_debug : function(msg) {
// exit early if not debugging
if (!this.DEBUG_ENABLED) {
gs.log(this.type + ": " + msg);

type : "CapacityCheckAjax"


* testing AJAX call and response from javascript executor

var gajax = new GlideAjax("CapacityCheckAjax");

gajax.addParam("sysparm_name", "checkDevCapacity");

function ajaxResponse(serverResponse) {


Exercise 9: Jelly Debugging

<!-- k11_test UI Page -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null">

<table style="padding-left:2px" class="wide" cellspacing="0">

<tr class="header">
<td class="column_head" align="left">
Title: ${sysparm_title}

<!-- set a variable -->

<j:set var="jvar_p1_test" value="Cached Value From Phase 1" />
Script Lab 8

<j2:set var="jvar_p2_test" value="My Phase 2 Value" />

<g2:evaluate var="jvar_session" >

var session = new GlideRecord("v_user_session");
session.addQuery("user", gs.getUserName());

<g2:evaluate var="jvar_session_query_debug">
session.getEncodedQuery() + " = " + session.getRowCount();

<g2:evaluate var="jvar_session_total_transactions">

<j2:set var="jvar_last_transaction" value="${session.last_transaction}" />

<!-- include a macro -->

<g:inline template="k11_macro_test.xml"/>

<!-- k11_macro_test ui macro -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null">

<g:breakpoint id="phase 1 k11_macro_test"/>

<g2:breakpoint id="phase 2 k11_macro_test"/>
User: $[gs.getUserName()]<br/>

Phase 1 Test Message {}: ${jvar_p1_test}<br/>

Phase 1 Test Message []: $[jvar_p1_test]<br/>

Phase 2 Test Message {}: ${jvar_p2_test}<br/>

Phase 2 Test Message []: $[jvar_p2_test]<br/>

Display Business Rules

Exercise 10 Problem Client Script

* k11 Exercise 10 Send data to the client
* Business rule - problem, display
* Desciption - send data to client for use in client script k11 notify
Script Lab 9

on old problems

//display business rule on problem

//get the record sys_created_by value and add to the client scratchpad
g_scratchpad.created_by = current.sys_created_by;
gs.print("SCRATCH Createdby = " + g_scratchpad.created_by);

//calculate the age of this record

var age = gs.dateDiff(current.sys_created_on, gs.nowDateTime(), true);
var daysOld = Math.round(age / 3600 / 24);
g_scratchpad.days_old = daysOld;
gs.print("SCRATCH age = " + g_scratchpad.days_old);

* Client Script k11 Exercise 10 - notify on old problems
* problem onLoad
* Description - get data from display business rule and alert user on
old problems

function onLoad() {
//get data from display rule scratchpad
var createdBy = g_scratchpad.created_by;
var daysOld = g_scratchpad.days_old;

if (parseInt(daysOld) > 30) {

alert("This is an old record created by " + createdBy);
Article Sources and Contributors 10

Article Sources and Contributors

Script Lab Source: Contributors: G.yedwab, John.roberts, Neola, Steven.wood

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