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OLI LY IN SMARTP! |E OPERATING SYSTEMS By Vikas R 1421430 The smart phon market is similarly dominated by a hundiul of companies, the most powerful two being Googe Androil and Apple (OS. Those companies have deep relationships with the handset providers and are able to have their system pre-instaled on each phone. As with computer operating systems, these retionships become self-reinforcing as they grow. ‘Smartphone Operating System Shave cakes ‘Android stil leads the pack in terms of pure penetration — as of this past June, it accoums for 51.8% of smanphones in use (up ftom $04% i Q1 2012) with Apple's 10S right behind it at 34% Don't feel too bad for Apple though ax they still hive the highest manufacturer share by far (34% in Q2), with Samsung ata distant second. eeu Smartahone Sales t tnd Urs by Operating System 2513 Mawson fas) perstng stem 2013 2013 Markat mn wom ranss me oo vars se moma meas u mass ow eros. smn os ‘That those two platforms stil hold fist and second phice shouldn't come as surprise, and their dight gains come ut a cost, Nieken has RIM aill clinging to third place despie another quarterly drop, as it mow accounts for 8.1% of smartphones in we, Meanwhile, the rest of the competition languishes below 5% as of Q2 2012. It’s that part of the market that seems the most interesting right now, as there’s iil plnly ol room in the nurket for a third strong mobile ecosystem to emerge while Apple and Googe contine to slug it out, The question though is what that third platform will be, and there are tio clear indicators to be found in Nielsen's dati

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