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First HTML5 Assignments

1. Create an HTML5 document containing an unordered list of three items Appetizers,

Entrees, and Desserts. Each unordered list should contain a nested, ordered list of your favorite
selections for category. Provide three selections for the appetizers and desserts and two
selections for the entrees. Call your program MyFavorites.

2. Create an HTML5 document that uses an image as an e-mail link. Use attribute alt to
provide a description of the image and link. Call your program MyMail.

3. Create an HTML5 document that contains links to your favorite computer information
websites. Your page should contain the heading My Favorite Web Sites. Call your program

4. A local university has asked you to create an HTML5 document that allows prospective
college students to provide feedback about their campus visit. Your HTML5 document should
contain a form with text fields for a name and e-mail. Provide checkboxes that allow perspective
students to indicate what they liked most about the campus. The checkboxes should include:
campus, students, location, atmosphere, course offerings, dorm rooms, resource center, sports.
Also, provide radio buttons that ask the prospective students the main way they became
interested in the college. Options should include: friends (the default), relatives, television,
Internet, and other. In addition, provide a text area for additional comments, a submit button,
and a reset button.

After the e-mail field in the form, add an input field for the user to enter the date visited the
campus in the form yyyy-mm-dd. Use the proper HTML5 input type. Call your program

In the forms action attribute, add the destination MyTeam.html.

Create an html page called MyTeam.html. Make sure that this page is in the same directory
folder as the html page containing the form so that relative addressing will work. In this page,
create a table for information about your project team. The table should have two columns, one
for the team members name and one for their e-mail address. The columns have proper column
headings, a header that states My Project Team, and a footer that states how many team
members there are on the team. Be as creative with your table as you like.

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