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Teacher Mental Health Survey

1. On a scale from 1 to 10, please rate your mental health. 1 being very poor
and 10 being excellent.

2. How much of an impact do you think teaching and school have on your
mental health?

Very Insignificant Insignificant Not Sure Significant Very Significant

3. Do you feel that this is a negative or positive impact?

Only negative Somewhat negative Not sure Somewhat positive Only positive

4. Do you agree that junior high students experience more emotional and
behavioural issues than elementary and high school students?

Strongly disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree

5. Considering that there is an increase in emotional and behavioural issues in

junior high students, how much of an impact do these issues have on your
mental health?

Very Insignificant Insignificant Not Sure Significant Very Significant

6. Do you feel that this is a negative or positive impact?

Only negative Somewhat negative Not sure Somewhat positive Only positive
7. To what extent do you feel you can manage these emotional and
behavioural issues that arise in junior high students?

Cant manage Struggling to manage Not sure Can somewhat manage Can manage

8. Please describe below what kinds of strategies you use to either manage these
issues or prevent these issues from occurring.

9. Please describe below what kinds of strategies you use to either prevent these
issues from impacting ygour mental health or to improve your mental health.

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