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Lets practice

1. Im a bit nervous. So am I. Oh, Im not.
2. I cant speak Turkish. Neither can I. Oh, I can.
3. Ive got a dog. So, have I. Oh, I havent.
4. I dont go out much. Neither do I. Oh, I do.
5. I had a great time. So did I. Oh, I didnt.


1) A: I dont like boxing. 3) A: I wont go to Jims party tonight.
B: __________I. I think its monotonous. B: __________ I. I hate his parties.
C: Well, I___________. Its exciting sport. C: I__________. Ji m is a good friend of mine.

2) A: I have been in Paris twice this year. 4) A: I loved the films. It was interesting.
B: ___________ I. B: I________, too.
C: I_____________. Its too dangerous. C: I__________. It was really boring.


HAYLEY: Hi. My names Hayley. Im a bit nervous!

BERNIE : Dont worry! 1) So am I! / Neither am I! Im Bernie.
HAYLEY: So, what do you do, Bernie?
BERNIE : I work for myself.
HAYLEY: Really? 2) So do I! / Neither do I!
ISABEL : I eat out a lot. I donthave time to cook at home.
BERNIE : 3) Oh, I dont . / Neither do I. Whats you r favourite food?
ISABEL : I love Italian food.
BERNIE : 4) So am I! / Me too! I eat a lot of pasta.

CLARE : I went speed dating last week, too.-

BERNIE : 5) So am I! / So did I. Did you meet anyone interesting?
CLARE : No, I didnt like anyone!
BERNIE : 6)Me neither. / So did I. But it was fun!
CLARE : Yes, it was.
FIONA : Well, I love exercise. I go jogging every day.
BERNIE : 7) Oh, I dont. / Neither do I. Do you do any other sports?
FIONA : No, I cant play football or tennis.
BERNIE : 8) Neither can I. / I cant. But I try.

C) Look at at what BERNIE, ISABEL AND HAYLEY said on their speed-dating evening. Then
complete conversations 1-8 with the correct phrases. Sometimes there is more than one answer.


drives X X --
has got a cat --
is a vegetarian X X --
went on holiday last year -- X
can speak Italian X --
has got his/her own flat X X --
hates working at weekends --
is hot --

1) Bernie: I dont drive.

Isabel: ______________. I prefer public transport.
2) Bernie: Ive got a cat
Hayley: _____________! Whats your called?
3) Isabel: Im not a vegetarian.
Bernie: _________________, but I dont eat a lot of emeat.
4) Hayley: I didnt go on holiday last year.
Bernie: ____________. I went to Australia. My brother lives there.
5) Bernie: I love Italian foo, but I cant speak the language.
Isabel: _________. My mother spoke Italian to me when I was young.
6) Isabel: I havent got my flat.
Bernie: ___________________. I rent a lace with a friend.
8) Hayley: Im really hot.
Bernie: ________________. Can you open a window?

D) Write ways of AGREE and DISAGREE with these sentences.

1. I dont like meat. ________________________________
2. Im quite tired. ________________________________
3. I went out last night. ________________________________
4. I havent got a mobile. ________________________________
5. I hate getting up early. ________________________________
6. I can speak Russian. ________________________________
7. I didnt sleep well. ________________________________
8. Im not from this town. ________________________________

A) Fill in the gaps with a REFLEXIVE PRONOUN.

1. My daughter made the decision____________________.
2. The washing-up isnt going to do_____________ you know!
3. We really enjoyed_____________ last night. Thanks very much.
4. My son made dinner for the whole family by_____________ last night.
5. Dave and Polly designed their cottage____________.
6. Simon! If you dont like the way Ive done it, do it______________.
7. Promise me that you will both look after____________.
8. I didnt need any help I made up my mind______________.

9. Robert made this T-shirt_______________________.

10. Lisa did the homework___________________
11. We helped ______________to some sod at the party.
12. Emma, did you take the photo by_____________?
13. I wrote this poem_______________.
14. He cut ______________with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
15. The lion can defend_______________.
16. My mother often talks to________________.
17. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help _______________.
18. Alice and Doris collected the stickers ________________.

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