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Reading textbooks
1. Read table of contents
2. Scan headlines, pictures, diagrams, any points of interest
3. Take notes of page numbers and short descriptions of items that may be useful
4. Gain an overview, learn major concepts or points first, gives context for
5. When reading, look away and try to recall what you just read
6. Rather skip parts that appear too complex than parts that appear too basic.

* Mastery comes from focused attention, understanding and regular practice
* When practicing math, practice it like kata
* Test yourself constantly
* Make flashcards
* Exercise
* Sleep
* Switch between focused and diffused thinking
* Focused work for 25 minutes, relaxation for 5 minutes
* Draw concept maps as a recall test
* Use metaphors and analogies
* Overlearn to make a skill automatic
* Distribute practice to solidify recall
* Deliberately practice what you find challenging
* Know how and when to use a technique
* Try, Fail, Understand, Win
Effective thinking:
* Understand deeply
* Make mistakes
* Raise questions
* Follow the flow of ideas
* Change

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