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Valentina: On January 1st, we decided to realice a trip to United States, because we wanted have a great summer

vacations, so we started the trip. On the trip we were three people, Javiera, Daniela, and me, Valentina.
The airplane trip lasted 14 hours, too much. But we dont care! So in the airport, a gentleman said to us that the fun
and extreme places was in the Death of Valley, so we decided to go. We went by bicycle, we take a full day to arrived
to pur destiny. At the night, we had to sleep in a whole, it was very hot, for that I burned my hand too much, we did not
know what to do! I screamed and cried as much as I could, Javiera and Daniela tried to calm me down, they gave to
me some sweets, dollars, to she stop the show that I was doing- sorry-, it was horrible, terrible!
Daniela lost patience in all the senses, She thought that Javiera must care of me, but she didn't do anything -how
always- so Javiera did that, to save the group, she was a hero in that moment. Anyway, Daniela thinks that we should
have carried too much things about first aid. I mean, if we had carried a first aid kit, they would have put an injection
to me.
Daniela: At the second day, trying to survive- haha-, Javiera gets a insect bite so hard, whats new Me and Valentina
did think that the insect was poisonous So dangerous! She was unconscious on the floor and with a big leg
(swollen). Valentina thought about cutting Javiera's leg, so that the poison did not flow in his blood, but me and
Valentina we did not have the courage to do that sacrificed action. We should have investigated about the dangers in
the valley- you know, insects, whatever-. Because, if we had investigated the place, Javiera wouldn't have gotten insect
bites in her leg.
Javiera: In the third day, things were still bad, because firstly we were ready to go to a one cave that was very close to
the place where we were. We carried water and a lot of food. In the cave there were many tourists, first we saw the
place, this one had low height, for that we had to duck a Little to take nice pictures and then we decided search stones,
or things like that. So Daniela found a precious Stone, she wanted show us, but while she getting up she hit her head
with a rock. People looked at us, so weird and scare, but in that moment in the middle of the tourists there was a
doctor that helped to us. We should have carried a helmet - Very exaggerated?- because if we had carried the helmet,
we wouldnt passed shame, and the visit to the cave would have been good.

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