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Kadir Nelson is an American artist whose work can be found around the nation as well as

abroad. He currently exhibits his work is literature, galleries, and museums. Kadir has also

authored and illustrated several award-winning picture books. These New York Times Best-

Selling picture books include, We are the Ship: The Story of Negro League Baseball as well as

Heart and Soul: The Story of America and African Americans. Nelson states:

I feel that arts highest function is that of a mirror, reflecting the innermost

beauty and divinity of the human spirit; and is most effective when it calls the viewer to

remember ones highest self. I choose subject matter that has emotional and spiritual

resonance and focuses on the journey of the hero as it relates to the personal and

collective stories of people.

Through the words of Kadir he is expressing his value of individuals using literature as a mirror

or window to see themselves or the lives of others. His work highlights the importance of

diverse experiences of people and the lives in which they lived. Nelson has created work for

distinguished clients including, Sports Illustrated, Coca Cola Company, The United States Postal

Service, Major League Baseball, and Dreamworks. Kadir Nelson is an amazing author and

illustrator that expresses his believes through his work. His pieces of Childrens literature need

to be spotlighted and integrated into curriculum as well as classroom libraries.

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