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In the summer of 2010, following her junior year of high school, Emma McMahon

left her home in Tucson, Arizona, and traveled to Washington, D.C., to work as a
page for her local Congresswoman, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords.

Following her internship, she returned home to her family, but without one
important memento from her summera photo of herself with the congresswoman.

Looking to rectify the situation, her mother, Mary Reed, learned months later that
Rep. Giffords would be holding a constituent meet-and-greet in the parking lot of
an area shopping center and made plans for her family to attend and finally get that
coveted photo.

That was the day, January 8, 2011, that Jared Lee Loughner opened fire on a
crowd outside of the Safeway critically wounding Gabby Giffords and shooting 18
otherssix of whom were killed.

Mary, one of those who were shot that day, came to StoryCorps with Emma to
remember the day she shielded her daughter from a gunman.

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