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Madi Anderson

Sophomore Honors Studies

Dr. ODea

25 October 2017

Interviews Summary

For my first interview, I met with Dr. Shewanee Howard-Baptiste. Dr. H-B is one of the

advisors for Exercise Science. Although I am not an Exercise Science major, I thought she would

be helpful to talk, and she was. She sent me the link to the American Therapeutic Recreation

Association website, and we looked over it together during my interview. We also looked at the

top ten schools for a masters degree in recreational therapy; she encouraged me to look into

these top schools and potentially applying to at least one of them. She also suggested that I

should look into which schools provide a doctorate degree in addition to just a masters degree.

Dr. H-B also told me that I need to be looking at the different prerequisites required to get a

masters degree in recreational therapy. Some of the classes she thinks I should take as my

electives would be applied anatomy and physiology and biomechanics. Another suggestion she

made was to research different companies that I might have an interest in working at and

compare the degrees of its employees; if most of the employees tend to have exercise science

degrees, then I should seriously consider changing my major from SLSA to Exercise Science.

For my other interview, I met with Dr. Eric Hungenberg. Dr. Hungenberg is one of my

advisors, but he typically works with students on the sports management track of my major.

From my meeting with him, I learned that the curriculum for my major is finally changing.

Under the new curriculum, known as SORT, students are not required to choose a concentration
like they are under the SLSA curriculum. Another difference with the SORT curriculum is that

students all only required to have one internship instead of two. Something else we discussed is

the timeframe of when I should be doing my internship. Before my interview with Dr.

Hungenberg, I was prepared to start my first internship this summer, but he explained that it

would be more beneficial to wait and do my internship later in my educational career in case the

internship turns into a job. The most important advice I took from this interview is to compare

the two curriculum and decide if I want to remain a part of SLSA or change over to SORT.

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