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Carlos Ral Villanueva and the tropical column, the street, the continuous loitering, tory and its

tory and its enormous diversity. From the li-

architecture ..., the intense light and the colour of centu- ving room or from the Hut-Study located in
ries that bathes everything. The Caribbean is the garden, arrived echoes and one felt: The
light, colour, emotion and rhythm, which invi- Plains, The Andes, The Great Savannah, the
Csar Portela tes to live life, to create, to seek the truth in Amazon Jungle and the Orinoco Delta
the beauty and... to enjoy. Its people are pure Also the enormous urban power of the city
imagination and permanent improvisation of Caracas.
The University City of Caracas constitutes a and the spirit that animates them is subject to But returning to the University City, one would
paradigm of integration between Architectu- the laws of nature, but also to the rules of art have to say that everything in it is a paradigm
re and Territory, a synthesis of the different and may be, to the dictates of science. Be- of the best architecture of all times: each of
Plastic Arts, an adequacy between formal cause it is also possible, without renouncing the more than sixty buildings that it compri-
language and constructive language, a sym- the fore mentioned, the reflection, the syste- ses, constitute a work of art; so are all and
biosis between reason and emotion, utility matization and the rigour, complementing the each of the steps or covered walkways that
and beauty; a polyphonic concert of spaces exuberance and the apparent whim of natural intertwine and unite them; each and every
and sensations and a utopia, made reality, of forms, with geometry and rational architectu- one of the interstices that
modern urbanism. re, as demonstrated by Carlos Ral Villanue- exist between these buildings and between
It is also a faithful expression of the capacity va throughout his work and, especially, the them and the vegetation that surrounds and
of self-criticism of its author, who commenced University City. Not in vain he stated that a enriches them, as well as the sculptural pie-
the Master Plan and the first buildings with man who lives in front of a green space must ces that we encounter and that move us for
misconception of compositional rigidity but think differently than one living in front of a their beauty and opportunity. Architecture is
was able to amend this error and terminate high wall. also the various constructive elements that
by converting the overall action in one of the Consequently with his philosophy, after cons- help to configure the environment and pro-
greatest Architectural achievements of the tructing the first three buildings, Villanueva tect us from the inclemency of strong light
Twentieth Century. changed course looking for another solution, and intense heat, such as canopies, pergo-
The assignment being an error, easy to un- the current, more open and flexible to ensure las, eaves, latticework, brise-soleil, ..., and
derstand if we take into account that Carlos that, the whole group and each of the buil- each and every one of the plant species that,
108 Raul Villanueva, formed himself and studied dings, constitute the best example I know of as well as providing shade, separate, wrap,
his career in Paris, this explains why he pro- modern architecture in the Tropics. frame, complement and enrich architectural
jected and began the University Campus, When I visited the University City for the first and sculptural volumes and forms. About all
with a certain degree of rigidity, in line with time I would not have been able to of this one could write without stopping but,
the purest academic style, known as Beaux believe what I was seeing if I had not pre- having to abbreviate, I would like to focus on
Arts, as evidenced by the first drawings of the viously known the house of Luis Barragan these four adjacent spaces, singular and uni-
whole and the first buildings built, (The Clini- in Mexico City. que, which squeezed my heart in a fist, which
cal hospital, the Anatomical Institute and the Someone once said, and with reason, that all impressed me when I discovered them and
Experimental Medicine Institute). the problems posed by the architecture occur keep impressing and delighting me every
But Caracas is not Paris, it is not in Central in any house. When I visited Luis Barragans time I revisit them: the Botanical Garden, the
Europe, it is in the tropics, it is pure Ca- one, thirty years ago, he was already very ill Rectory Square, the Covered Square and
ribbean. And what is the Caribbean like? and unable to speak and move, but he still the Aula Magna. And I am fascinated and I
The Caribbean is a melting pot of races and conveyed the tremendous passion that great am astonished at these spaces because it
cultures, a meeting place where America, architects have within them and he was able seems impossible that in such a short distan-
Europe and Africa come together. A dream to materialize it in all his work and in his ce, in such a short tour one can enjoy spaces
world to see, hear, smell and feel, warm, den- house. This house which, despite its small so exceptional and different and at the same
se, motley, cosmopolitan, baroque, extrovert, size, is like a synthesis of the country: Mexico. time so complementary between themselves,
surprising, suitable for interchange, free and This comes to mind because I had that same so different and so in need of each other.
joyful, always rhythmical and sensual. The feeling while walking around the University The Botanical Garden is, as its name su-
Caribbean is lush nature surrounded by a City of Caracas, the first time I visited it, ac- ggests, a garden packed with species of
green sea and a blue sky, whose whimsical companied by Silvia La sala, a great scho- plants, full of didactic intentions and rationali-
forms and beautiful reasons for being oppo- lar with a profound knowledge of this work. ty but, well designed and implemented, which
se the madness and the geometries of men. Something similar happened to me visiting makes it impossible the distinction between
The Caribbean is a permanent exercise of Villanuevas home, in the urbanization La the cultivated and the wild and recreates and
passion, it is the beach, the hill, the glen, the Florida Caracas, with his widow and his resembles the pure realm of Nature.
palm, the mango, the racket, the shack, the daughter Pauline. Within it, it condensates The Rectorate square is just the opposite, an
hut, the cabin, the shed, the courtyard, the and synthesized the vast Venezuelan terri- empty and open space, extraordinarily pro-
portionate, that serves as a hinge between rian shapes because, as he said himself: Ar- About the University City of Caracas
the City of Caracas and the University City, chitecture is for mankind and poetry is in the
that receives you and is capable of sum- heart of the person. Juan Pedro Possani, on
moning and of hosting the work of the most the occasion of the inauguration of the exhibi-
important national and foreign artists of the tion of the works of Villanueva in Barcelona, a Oscar Tenreiro
moment, (Arp, Laurens, Vasarely, Lger, Ma- couple of years ago, said of him: Twenty-five
naure, Navarro,) offering a suitable place years after his death he could still be proud
for every piece and giving a lesson in the as he continues being avant-garde. I abso- 1
integration of fine arts and of these with the lutely agree. The University City started its building pro-
nature. cess with the Hospital in 1945-46, following
It constitutes, at the same time, the door, an academic plan proposed by Villanueva in
the courtyard of honour, the antechamber, 1944.
the prelude of what comes next. And what That huge building, for 1000 beds, stuck to
follows is nothing more and nothing less than a rigid technical hospitable vision, derived
the wonderful game that this endless catalo- apparently from a North American consul-
gue of spaces offers for transit and rest, co- tancy of which Carlos Ral Villanueva did
vered by winding concrete structures, of diffe- not manage to become independent, it is
rent shapes, positions and sizes, that create soulless and very uninteresting. He himself
this unusual world of lethargic shadows and considered it a problem which he tried to dis-
at the same time slots or vents that play with guise with the polychrome imitating Max Bills
the light, they mitigate it, decompose it and style that he did with Matthew Manaure in
drain it conveniently, in order to attenuate and the late fifties. Its inner courtyards are sad,
spread its brilliance, to redirect it and enjoy their edges too high, and its organization is
it once it is domesticated and which moves labyrinthine. And if the climatic conditions of
and shifts, according to the hours of the day the common rooms of hospitalization could
and the days of the year, these effects which be praised, originally without air conditioning,
are so well captured by the great Venezuelan there are few things in it that are worth quo- 109
photographer Paolo Gasparini, in his extraor- ting. At the same time the medical area be-
dinary images, and that constitute, already, gan in which a vision of architecture started
a paradigm of the symbiosis between shape to express itself that was more associated
and light, that is to say a paradigm of the Ar- with the modern language through Brazilian
chitecture of the Tropic, that is known by the architecture, this is the start of a stage which
name of La Plaza and los Pasos Cubiertos, would have to justify the universal value of
a full space, at the same time, of many other Villanueva as an architect. The Brazilian Pa-
spaces, each and every one of them unfor- vilion at the 1939 New York Fair, by Lucio
gettable. Costa & Oscar Niemeyer is a reference that
Finally, the Aula Magna, one of the most influenced a few of the buildings, this also
emphatic covered spaces and dreamiest we occurred to those of Pampulha (1943) by Os-
can imagine, in which the collaboration of Vi- car Niemeyer, with respect to the University
llanueva and sculptor Calder have enabled dining room at the other end of the complex,
to merge the necessary acoustic elements built for the use of the 1951 Bolivarian Ga-
with decorative sculptural objects until they mes athletes. But it is in the stadiums of the
achieve to shape those Flying saucers, of sport zone, also built for the games, where
extraordinary utility and beauty, which sha- there is a radical commitment to modernity.
pes radiate constantly, sounds and colours, Focused on the life and work of Le Corbusier,
enriching and enlivening the unique space whom Villanueva admired and followed in
that contains them. Csar Portela (Pontevedra, 1937) Is a Spa- doctrinaire terms, and enriched by many
Carlos Ral Villanueva, throughout all his nish Architect. He studied Architecture at the other sources. That radical leap from aca-
work, sought and succeeded in eliminating E.T.S of Madrid and Barcelona (1966), and demicism, leads him to break with the initial
the superfluous and the anecdotic, to keep became Dr. Architect (1968). Awarded the organizational plan, inserting almost like an
only the essential. He also endeavoured to Spanish Architecture National Award in 1999. obstacle the whole of the Assembly hall, and
keep the poetic values of architecture, he He currently holds the Chair of Architectural then developing the Faculties (of which only
was not satisfied with the exclusively utilita- Design of the E. T. S. of La Corua. the Engineering Faculty had partially advan-

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