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What is valvular hearth desease ?

The hearths four valves play a very important role in ensuring blood flows in the correct direction
through the heart.

The heart are : the triscupid valve, the pulmonary valve, the mitral valve and the aortic valve.

Valves at th entrance to the large chambers of the heart, the tricuspid and mitral valves ensure that
blood can flow only into the ventricles

The pulmonary and aortic valvels allow blood to flow out of the ventricles and into the pulmonary artery
and aorta.

In patients with valvular heart disease the damaged valve or va;ves affect the flow of blood. This can be
in two ways.

If a valve fails to close properly it will allow blood to leak backwards. This is called valve regurgitation

For example if the mitral valve leaks, as the left ventricles contract instead of all the blood leaving the
heart through the aortic valve

Some will leak back into the left atrium which if ssevere enough can put a back pressure on the lungs

If a valve fails to open properly it obstructs the flow of blood. This is called valve stenosis

For example if the aortic valve becomes stenosed the heart will need to pump harder to force the blood
past the valve

This can cause the heart muscle to become thickened any of the valves can become regurgitant or
stenosed and both can put an additional strain on the heart althoght many patents have few or no
symptoms, some patients develop breathlessness, chest pain, tiredness, dizziness, swelling of the legs.

The symptoms of the valvular diseases will vary depending in which valve is affected even after a valve
problem has been diagnosed patients may go many years witout developing any symptoms

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