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Lesson Plan

Teacher Trainee: Amna Mohammed . Student Number: 24

Date: 30-Oct-2017 Subject/Grade: Math KG1

Topic: Resources:
Count from 1 To 20 Border markers
Color number worksheet (one per student )
Colored pencils
Small box
Small thing (bottoms , candy .)

Learning Objectives: Student will able to re1cognize a number that they can count any thing .

Key Terms:
Choose a card

Key Questions: (List key questions you want students to be able to answer at the end of the lesson)
1) Can you count 1 to 20 ?

Lesson Introduction: (5 minutes)

I will ask them what they took in the class today .

Teaching Activities/Learning Strategies (If it is new skills or concepts remember to utilize Gradual Release of Responsibility)
Time Learning Activity How (Teacher says and does) Student says and does
15 They will review the number As a group , the teacher will Student will each be creating a
min from 1 to 20 . explain how the student will different number by colored
decorate a number . papers.
They will build a tower according
15 to the cards they choose . As a group , the teacher will Student will be built a tower that
min explain how they will choose a related to their number .
number so they will can build a
tower .
Lesson Closing:
The teacher will give a student a gift .
Lesson Plan

Assessment of Understanding: (how do you know the students understand? When and how will you check their

The teacher will review with the student the number from 1 to 20 .

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