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add to break in (to)

increase 1. enter a house, 2. interrupt (con-
() versation)
add up 1. , 2.
1. calculate 2. make sense e.g. I. Sb. broke into my apart-
3. amount to ment last week.
1. 2. break off
3. bring to an end, stop
ask after
enquire about the health of sb.
break out
ask for 1. begin suddenly, 2. escape
request, demand 1. , 2,
break up
back sb. up 1. bring a relationship to an end,
support sb. separate, divide, 2. end a school
be for/against 1. ( ), 2.
be in favour/against of / (.. )
/ e.g. 1. I broke up with my girl
blow out friend last week.
extinguish by blowing bring about
( ), cause to happen
blow up
1. destroy by exploding, 2. make a
larger copy of sth. bring back
1. , 2. 1. call to mind, 2. cause to return
( ) 1. , 2. ,
break away
escape from control bring down
, , 1. cause to fall, 2. lower (a price)
break down 1. , 2. ()
1. stop working (properly), 2. fail(of bring in
talks), 3. be overcome with emo- 1. introduce, 2. yield as income or
tion, 4. use force on (a door) to profit
cause it open, 5. disintegrate. 1. , 2.
1. ,
, 2. - bring on
, , 3. , 4. 1. cause to happen or appear, 2.
, 5. . accelerate the progress of
e.g. 1. My car broke down last 1. , 2. -
bring out carry away
1. emphasize, make evident, remove
2. publish, introduce to the market
1. , , 2. , carry off
1. take away (by force), 2. win (a
bring over prize), 3. (of a disease) kill
convert to one's side 1. ( ), 2. (-
), 3. ( )
bring sb. round carry on
make sb regain consciousness continue

bring up carry on with
1. rear/educate, 2. introduce (a flirt, have a love affair
matter) for discussion ,
1. , 2. - carry out
1. (orders, threats) put into practice,
build up perform, 2. research.
1. increase, 2. strengthen 1. , , ,
1. , 2. , 2.
burst into carry over
1. carry forward (an account),
come suddenly transfer, 2. postpone, put off.
, 1. ( ), 2
e.g. burst into tears
call for carry through
demand complete successfully

call for sb.
catch on
go and collect sb.
become popular

call off
catch out
cause sb. to fail by means of a

call on

catch up (with)
come level (with)
call up
1. telephone, 2. order to join the check in (airport)
army arrive at (a hotel) and sign the
1. , 2. register
care for
1. look after, 2. be fond of check out
1. , 2. , leave (at hotel) paying one's bill

check up come into (money)
make sure, verify inherit

clean up come off
1. make tidy, 2. restore order or happen
morality, 3. make profit
1. , 2. , 3. - come on
, 1. continue to come, 2. advance (to
clear away attack), 3. make progress, 4.
1. remove the remains of a meal from appear on the stage, 5. hurry up!
the table, 2. remove completely. 6. don't be ridiculous
1. ( 1. , 2.
), 2. ( ), 3. , , 4.
clear off , 5. !,
1. get rid of, 2. (of aeroplane) take off 6. , !
1. , 2.
clear out eg. 6. come on, you don't really
1. empty, 2. remove, 3. (slang) go expect me to believe that!
away leave come on (to inf.)
1. , 2. , 3. begin to...

clear up eg. it came on to rain,
1. (of weather) become fine, 2.
solve (a mystery), 3. tidy up
1. ( ), 2, - come out
, 3. 1. be published, 2. become known, 3.
come (a) round strike, 4. (of a photograph) be
1. regain consciousness, 2. visit developed, 5. be removed
sbs house 1. , 2. , -
1. , 2. , 3. ,
come across/upon 4. (), 5.
find/meet by chance
() come through
come along 1. be successful, survive, overcome,
1. make progress, move forward, 2. 2. be received by telephone
hurry up 1. , , 2. -
1. , , 2.
come by come up
1. pass, 2. call on a visit, 3. obtain 1. come to a place or position re-
1. , 2. , 3. - garded higher, 2. come up in the
, world, 3. arise, be mentioned, 4. (of a
come down with p l a n t ) s p r i n g u p o u t o f t h e ground
catch (cold) 1. , 2. ,
3. , 4.
come up against do with
faced with or opposed by 1. have dealings with, 2. be involved
, in, 3. be concerned with
come up to 1. , 2.
match a standard , 3.
, do without
come up with manage (without having)
think of, produce (an idea)
, draw in
come upon (of a car) come to a halt at the side of
meet sb./find sth. by chance the road
cut down draw out
cause to fall 1. (of a car) move into the middle of
the road from the side, 2. take money
cut down on from a bank, 3. make longer
reduce one's consumption 1. , 2. ,
, 3. ,
eg. try to cut down on beer draw up
cut off (of a car) stop, 2. arrange in a
1. disconnect, 2. separate form or order, 3. move closer
1. (. ), 2. 1. , , 2. ,
cut out eg. 3. draw up a chair
stop (doing saying sth) drink in
, listen eagerly
cut up
cut into small pieces drink to
toast, wish success
date back/from ,
belong to have been made at a
drink up
certain time
drink the whole of, empty-

drop off
do away with
1. decrease, 2. fall asleep
get rid off
1. , 2.

drop out
do for
withdraw from participation in a
kill/cause the end of -
group eg. school
do out
clean thoroughly

eat into
do up
destrory waste gradually
1. (re)decorate, 2. fasten, tie

1. , , 2.
e.g. acid eats into metal
, ,
eat up get ahead
(dinner) eat completely be successful
fall in (love) get along/on with
love be friendly, accord

fall in with get at
become friendly or associated or 1. reach, find, 2. suggest, imply, 3.
allied, agree with make fun of sb.
, , 1. , 2. , , 3.
fall out
quarrel, disagree get away with sth.
, not be caught/punished
fall over (oneself)
be awkward, stumble get away/(from)
, 1. escape (from), 2. leave on holiday
fill in 2. , 2.
1. add to make complete, complete get back
2. give sb. the necessary information, retrieve
3. (time) occupy time, 4. do ,
another's job temporarily get by
1. , 2. , 3. manage/(have enough money)
, 4.

fill up get down

make or become completely full 1. alight, descend (from a vehicle),
2. record in writing
find out 1. , 2.
get down to
discover begin working
, ,
fit in (with)
be able to live or exist in get in
agreement or harmony with 1. enter, 2. be elected
1. , 2.
get about/around
1. manage to move or travel, 2. (of get into
news) circulate 1. put on (clothes), 2. become
1. , 2. , interested or involved in 3, enter or
get across board
be or make sth. understood 1.,2. ,
, ,3.
get on give back
1. enter (a bus), 2. make proc return sth.
manage, 3, continue
give in
1. ( ), 2.
, 3.

get on (w ell) w ith
give off
1. work, live in a friendly way .
send out (fumes, smell, heat)
2. continue my work
1. , 2.
give oneself up

get out

1. leave, escape, 2. get down (from a
give out
1. , , 2.

give up
get over
1. recover from, 2. overcome, 3. stop

manage to communicate
go along with
1. , (),
agree with
2. , 3.

get sb. down
depress sb.
go around

be passed from one person to the

get sb. in
bring sb, (to do sth.)

go back (to)
get sb. out
date back
( )
help leave or escape
go back on

break (promise, agreement)
get up

1. cause to get out of bed, 2.
go down with
stand up, 3. arrange, organize,
begin to suffer from (a disease)

1. , 2 .
go far
(), 3.
be successful!
get up to

do sth. bad
go for

give away

1. give (sth. free of charge), 2. give
go in
the bride away, 3. reveal
covered by a cloud
1. , 2. , 3.
go in for hang back
take part in, enter
, ,

go into hang on
investigate wait

go off hang on to
1. explode, 2. go bad (of food), 3. 1. hold, 2. keep, retain
leave 1. , 2.
1. , 2. , , 3.
go on hang up
continue hang sth. on sth.

go on at hold back
mag at 1. refuse to tell, 2. prevent from
happening, 3. prevent from making
go out progress
stop burning 1. , 2. , 3. -
go over/through hold down
discuss/examine carefully keep/be allowed to stay
( )
go round hold forth
be enough for everyone talk, give one's opinions

go up hold off
rise (of prices) 1, stay away (of weather), 2. keep off 1.
, 2. ()
go with hold on
be part of 1. keep (a grip on), 2. wait (often on
, the telephone)
go without 1. , 2. ( -
manage without )
hold out
grow on 1. continue to survive, 2. continue to
gradually become liked fight against
1. , 2.
grow up hold up
become an adult 1. stop and rob, 2. delay (passive)
1. , 2. -
hang around/about .
stand around hurry up
(cause to) move quickly
jut out (into) let down
1.lower,2. make flat (of a tyre), 3.
lengthen (a garment)
keel over
1. , 2. , 3.
fall over usually suddenly or une-

xpectedly eg. in faint
let in
keep at
allow to come in

let in for
keep away from
involve sb. in
avoid being near

let in on
keep down
allow to share (a secret)
(of prices) keep low, control, put a limit

let off
1. fire a gun, cause to explode, 2.
keep off
allow to go without punishment
1. prevent from going near, 2.
1. , 2. (
prevent from getting onto sth,
1. , 2. -
let out
1. allow to go out, 2, make (a
keep on
garment) wider
1. , 2.

let sb. down
keep out
disappoint, fail to help
not (allow to) enter
let up
keep out of
become less strong or violent, stop
not to become involved in

load up
keep to
charge (a firearm) with ammunition
1. adhere to, 2. keep a promise
1. , - ()
, 2. load up with
keep up supply overwhelmingly
maintain, continue
, , look (up) on
keep up with 1.regard,consider, 2. watch sth.
remain level with, advance at the 1.,2.
same pace as look after
, take care of
leave out ,
ommit, not include look ahead
consider what will happen

look at make off
use one's sight leave quickly (to escape)

look down on make out
regard as inferior 1. see, hear, read, understand with
, ' difficulty, 2. make it seem that, 3.
look for write, fill in
search for 1. , , 2.
, ,3. ,
look toward to
wait with pleasure for
, - make up
1. invent sth. 2. be friends again
look in on (after a quarrel), 3. complete, 4.
visit briefly apply cosmetics, 5. be composed bf,
consist of
look into 1. , 2. , ,
investigate , 3. ,
, 4. ,-, .
look out (for)
1. watch, 2. find by searching, 3. make up for
beware!, take care! compensate for, supply for reward
1. , , 2. ,
, 3. ! make up to
look over try to get the favour, love by flattery
examine, revise briefly ,
move in
look through take possession of a new house
look at, study briefly, examine,
, nove on
change to a new position
look up ( /
1. improve, 2. pay a visit, 3. search )
for, find information (in a book), 4. move out
consult (a refence book) leave one's home, job, change
1. , 2. , 3. one's place or residence
(, ), 4.
() nod off
look up to fall asleep
respect and admire
pass by
make for go past
move in the direction of
pass off put in
(of a sickness, emotion) go away 1. insert, install, 2. do (a certain
amount of work)
pass out 1. , , , 2.
collapse, faint, keel over ,
put in for
pass over apply/claim
ignore, overlook
, put off
pay in(to) 1. postpone, 2. switch off (a light)
pay (money) into a bank account 1. , 2.
put on
pick out 1. switch on (a light), 2. dress
choose, select oneself, 3. add, increase, 4. present or
, produce (a play), 5. provide (eg.
pick up transport), 6. make a false show of,
1. take sb. or collect sth., 2. catch pretend, 7, bet (money) on
(of an illness) acquire by chance 1, , 2. , 3. , 4.
1. ( (), 5. -
), 2. , , 6. , 7. -

pop up
appear put out
1. extinguish (a fire), 2. extend (a
put aside hand), 3. (of plants) produce, 4.
1. abandon temporarily, 2. save, issue, give out, 5. cause bother,
preserve for the future trouble, 6. annoy
1. (), 2, 1. , 2. , 3. , ,
() 3. , 5. , -
put by , 6.
save put sb. off
1. cause sb. to dislike sth. 2,
put down cancel an arranged meeting
pay (a specified sum of money) as a 1. , , 2, -
, put sb. up
put down for provide a bed for a person
write the name of sb. on a list
, put sth. away
return to its proper place
put forth ,
(of plants) produce (leaves, shoots put through
etc.) 1. arrange, 2. connect by telephone
, 1. , ,
put together run for
construct stand for election

put towards run for it
contribute try to escape

put up run in
1. build, erect, 2. raise (a hand), 3. fix on (a new machine) get working pro-
a wall, 4. increase (price), 5. offer/show perly
(resistance), 6. offer money (for a
purpose) run into
1, , , 2. , , 1. meet, 2. crash into, collide with
3. , , 4. 1. , 2.
, 5. , 6. run off
print a copy
put up to
persuade (sb. to do smth.) run off with
, steal, take away
put up with , -
tolerate, endure run out
come to an end
read out ,
read aloud run out of
have no more
run accross ,
meet/find sb./smth. by chance run over
, 1. (of a vehicle, driver) knock down,
run after drive over, 2. repeat for practice
chase 1. , 2.
, run through
look at, deal with one after another
run away run to
escape have enough money for

run away with run up
1. steal, 2. go too fast 1. hoist (a flag), 2. make quickly, 3.
1. , 2. collect up
! 1. (), 2.
run down , 3. ,
1. (of a clock) finish working, 2. (of a save up
vehicle, driver) knock down, 3. speak save money for future use
1. , 2. (
), 3.
see sb. off sort out
accompany sb. as far as the point 1, separate smth. from a general
of departure mixture, 2. correct, improve, solve
, 1. , , ,
see sb. out sort sb. out
go to the door with sb. who is attend to (by punishing)
leaving (!),
eg. I'll soon sort you out you evil little
see to man! -!
deal with or take care split up
, apart, divide
set in , ,
begin or become established stand by
1. watch sth happening without doing
set off/out anything, 2. support and help sb.
leave, start a journey 1. , 2. -

set out stand for
intend 1. be an abbreviation for, 2. be a
candidate for election, 3. represent, 5.
set up tolerate
start a business 1. ( ), 2. -
, 3. , 5.
settle down
1, become quiet, 2. make oneself 1. BBC stands for Btitish Broadcasting
comfortable, 3. concentrate on sth. Corporation
1. , 2, , stand in for
, 3. take another person's place for a time,
settle in replace sb. temporarily
become used to
stand out
settle on be noticeable
agree and decide
swich off
settle up (a bill) turn off
swich on
show off turn on
display, behave so as to impress
and gain attention take after
show down/up
make or become slower
tear up
take away
1. (a letter) tear into pieces, 2.
1. subtract, 2. remove (from),3.
remove violently
1. , , 2,
1. , 2. (

), 3.
throw away
take bach/out
discard as useless
retract, withdraw

tidy up/away
take down
make neat
1. note, 2. remove from (a wall)

1. , 2. ( tie in/up with
bring into or have a close association
take in or agreement
1. understand, 2. (a dress) make ,
smaller, 3. absorb, 4. deceive touch down
1. , 2. , , land
3. , 4.
take off track down
1. remove, 2. (of a plane) leave the find, discover, seek out
ground, 3. ridicule by imitation ( )
1. (), 2. , try out
3. , test sth. to see how useful or
take on appropriate it is
1. undertake, 2. engage, 3. assume
1. , 2. ,
3. try sth. on
take over put on to see if th. fits
assume control of, accept ,
responsibilities turn down
1. decrease, 2. refuse, reject
take to 1. , 2. ,
1. adopt a habit, 2. find sb./sth. turn in
likeable go to bed
1. , 2. (
take up turn into
1.begin as a hobby, 2. occupy (time, become, change into
space), 3. shorten a garment ,
1. , 2. , turn off
, 3. () switch off
talk sb. into/out off sth. (, )
persuade sb. to do or not to do sth. turn on
switch on
(, )
turn out work out at
1. come to see, 2. be discovered to be calculated, total (up to)
be ,
1. , 2. e.g. the total works out at 200
wrap up
turn over 1. wrap a present, 2. dress warmly
1. reverse, 2. turn to a new page, 1. , 2. -
change TV channel write down
1. , 2. , record in writing
e.g. 2. T Please Turn Over write in
turn to send a suggestion, query in writing to
set about one's job an organization esp. broadcasting
turn up .
1. increase (the volume, sound), 2.
arrive, appear write out
( ), 2. (- copy
, ,
use up
1. consume completely, use the
whole, 2. exhaust or wear out
1. , 2.
wake up

watch out for
be careful
wear out
(cause to) become unfit for further use
wipe out
clean the inside (of a bowl) with a cloth
work out
1. solve, find out (by calculation),
resolve (a problem), 2. exhaust with
work, 3. exercise, 4. develop (a
plan) I
1. , , , 2. ,
3. , 4. ,
( )

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