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Transportation of Casualty

Leader Members

1. Prepare to lift

2. Ready to lift? --------------------------------------------- Ready

3. Ready to kneel? ----------------------------------------- Ready

4. Kneel

5. Hands over the victim move

6. Ready to insert? ----------------------------------------- Ready

7. Insert

8. Ready to lift rest on knees (right) ------------------- Ready

9. Lift

10. Ready to stand?................................................... Ready

11. Stand

12. Head center face move

13. Ready to walk inner foot first? ----------------------- Ready

14. Walk

15. Turn to left/right move

16. Ready to walk?.................................................... Ready

17. Walk

18. Stop

19. Center face move

20. Ready to unload rest on knees (right)?------------ Ready

21. Move
22. Ready to unload on the ground? ------------------- Ready

23. Unload

24. Ready to release? -------------------------------------- Ready

25. Release

26. Ready to stand? ---------------------------------------- Ready

27. Stand

28. One step back move

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