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wEnbek wiekal al MEER YnIadndndndadn THE ADVENTURES OF PRISONERS OF THE SUN. Web tek &ebal FlainathiainindaaAay es a = PRISONERS OF At Police Headquarters | |[ Haddock, a retired ship's cop- } If As | understand it, this is the in Callao, Peru.. tain, and Tintin, the reporter? { || situation: your Friend Professor Oh, yes, Interpol warned me Calcalus has been kidnapped, and you theyd be coming. Send them in. Hl have good reason to believe c's aboard the cargo ship "Pachacamac”. due to, arrive in Callao any day now. Am I right? Absolutely. Well, gentlemen, a5 500K as the "Pachacawac’ comes into port we will search IF your Friend really is aboard, thenhe will be restored te you im- tediately, Now, we canont. Look down there an Indian running Someone was spying on us! Bah! What does it: matter? There was nothing confidential in mistaken Why not forget the whole incident. and allow we to offer you a glass of pisco? It's our national dr Come, here's to the safe return of your Friend Calculus. No, wo, | eaw Wim quike clearly: an Indian, peering Ss tarough the railings. He disappeared behind those bashes} 1 See The Seven Crystal Balls ‘Our lucky day! Just Chink, we're gcing to see old Cuthbert again’... This is the happiest We'll soon see Cutlabert again. ferk up, dow’t 100K 50 gloomy. Things are looking up! Hoity toity! Aren't we z Z day of my life!... Hurrah For ee ae “ead Picea! Its allright! Every ie es oe fornia c Enis gov Loe allio doosn't alter_thefact that A 2 2 ha, G3 Pook, that doesn't matter! Enjoy yourself. Look around Kilikilikili!.There's a wice little Wawa Indians, the clotnes tte colours, tne lawes X 4 You're a nice little Nama, aren't you ?... You don’t mind old Captain Haddock, do yout When llama is do that . manners! And what Ungrateful brute! Animals like that shouldu't be allowed | Hotel Cristobal Colon. Bueno ... Perk up, Captain, don't look so gloomy, Remember, you said it yourself just mow: things are looking up, we're going to see old Cuthbert again. Hello... yes, Tintin speaking. A fer rrinules baer... BM |{ Buc... f ait be secing Good morning, senor Cte Thgeile/ tie CHP. [nepactor things ... Look! Inspector...What®...The” Pacha- || with nis men, down on i Jcamac"ie in eight * Fine ie 5 Quay No. 24... We'll be ey ne right away see NUN es ‘ae Now For the “Pacha - camac Where is she t Out there, to the left oF that | ((~ little tug with the red funnel You asked about your Friends... well, here they come Not at all. These gentlemen were sent out by the C.1.D. to help in the search for your Friend Let's hope old Cal- ‘alu ig on board! Goodness gracious! And we've got: t0.go on board to search the ship. TES out oF the ques- tion till the port health authorities have cleared her There goes the doctor's launch vow, heading for the “Pachacamac" Blistering barnacles! The "Pachacamac" is run: ning up the yellow Flag and 4 yellow and blue pennant: infectious disease ov board | Well... we can only wait until they've Finished. | I cay, Captain, just what is that stuff, guano? Guano?... Er... How shall { put it 2... Captain... The "Pachaca Guano?... Well, there's So you think that's a free sample! Funny, eh?...A brand ha; very Billions of blue bubonic barnacles! She'll be quarantined { Bre ey alcinai ng the captain's birthday? Putting a ship in quarantine, you landlubber means keeping her in isolation for some time, to avoid risk of in- Two cases of yellow Fever on board. I've ordered three weeks’ quarantine. You heard?...['m terribly sorry about that ...You'll just have to be patient. Yes... obviously, Tell me, ien't that doctor an A Quichna,as a matter There's no question of woit- Hf of fact. Win CS] liasernattaroone! img three ees. Were |] Oh, no reason Z Three weeks...Three weeks || |} 909 '2 Find out Eonight WI just: wondered B| || without knowing whether he Calculus is even aboard Caen Tonight | shall go aboard the “Pachacamac", Tonight ?...You ... What about the yel- low fever, stupid Have you forgotten ¢ aad mo i I Captain, I'll bet anything But thundering typhoons, the You Hie tat ceey doctor definitely said ‘man aboard the'Pacha Nanna camac’ is as fit as you en ecu Indian... Doesn't that mean anything to you? Stop! We won't goany further. Nuts to the sharks! Anyway, We might be seen they should be Fast asleep ab Vouro quiko cae? }) || this hour, like everyone else! There... You know the drill, don't you if I'm mot back ina couple’ of hours, inform the police... Goodbye, Captain And you be a good boy, Suowy. Right... You're quite sure? I told you, there are sharks around here... ef Good luck, — Tintin. Thundering typhoons |... There's no stopping ins | EQué pasa, ahi abajo?. There's nothing For it... [crambs! Somebody else! = into this cabin, quick! — All's weil, he didn't see |! || 2Qué ha pasado, Chiquita ® ... Fine! They think He's going past... i's a cat! No es nada, ser el gato He's going back into Someone's in that bunk, f his cabin... He's shut must get out of here | the door...Whew! ... Professor!... Professor! | wm Wake up... [8s me, Tiatin! Please, please wake up! There's only one person in the world who talks like that sand that 18 ..4 Excuse me... A little Further to the west ! Ie Nothing | can do... He's obviously boen drugged! | Hello, whatever's that?... What's he got there, round his wrist? Si, the bracelet oF The bracelet from the mummy! k Rasear Capac! He has committed sacrilege : he has put on the Inca bracelet! He must die!...As for you, you area prison. | er. | will decide later What your B fate will be, What do you want with poor Calculus ? Quick, over the side! Little devil, you will pay for'this! Thundering typhoons !... Those guano- gatherers are murdering Tintin ! Iconoclasts! J Pirates... Just a few wore strokes. +.and someone's going to get it in the neck! Wooah | ‘And You shut up, you sea- lion, yout of here, fast! Ah, there's Z Quick, climb aboard... Calculus is on board, Cap- | |{ Back to Tintin, is oe Not hurt, are you? tain, | saw him. They're the shore! —a joing to put him to death We must aha ||| eins tov , Wee tet cena They say he committed get rein: sacrilege by wearing an AS rants! Inca bracelet. You dash back to the tow and alert the Police. I'll stay here ‘and keep watch. Hello... Ye sss What’ sevior Chief Inspector #... At this lnour 2 Have you gone crazy? The sefior Chief Inspector is asleep! Police Headquarters No sleep for us tonight} Snowy. a You want to talk bo the Thundering typhoons, U know that! IP he wasn't asleep you wouldn't have to wake im up!...Tell hina it's very, very urgent! All quiet. But aFear what's happened they're bound tomake a move va. Yes, they're launch ing aboot. hope the (ap. tain gts help quichly.. You're breaking my hheart!,.. Look, it may be urgent, but nobody wakes the senior Chie Inspector at Four! rer But you must wake him, [ell you, is aw Hello... Hello. Hell,,.The blistering blundering bird- brain, he's hung up! The boat's getting nearer...Comeon, Snowy, but don't show yourself. We're. goivg totakea closer look at them... || t've go an idea BIL ring up the Thompsons... Four, two, eight «That's it... That sounds like To be precise: the telephone, FI the telephone. Great snakes... They're carrying Calculus ashore! RRRBING fre you going to riser ie | You can'e be asleep, you're talking to me! You know very well that [ tall in wy sleep! ) What?... Where Right We'll come at once ... y aii i 4 es lear him Blue blistering barnacles! | can't stand here all night! Very well, But viext Taking thoin time, te baboons! Me?... Certainly not es HOw cal I'm asleep | nt Hello, Thow- 4 .And about e too! ... This is Captain Had- dock rly two hours since { left wal hope he's all eight. le Li rh There's our boat... { left Tintin here... But where is he? Hi, Tintin! No use shouting our selves hoarse. Tin- tin's gone. We must examine the-beach ; we ought to pick up his tracks quite quickly. a needle ina haystack. Footprints! [= like looking for Here, look at this! To be precise: we look like needles ina haystack. And others here. Look, there Come on. This way... it's ‘The footprints stopat the road...Still, no were several men, with horses... no, Hamas ...See these marks in the sand .. plain sailing .. matter, it's obvious they Kept going’ in the same direction. What a brilliant idea! There are three of us: half of three is one and a half... You, tixo a0 your way, and go mine And welll see which of us Finds intin.. Goodbye... And keep your eyes open! | Just a minute... Waat iF its a | trick...Supposing they went in the opposite direction ? Quite right !... | submit that halF of us should go one way, and halfthe other. Great Siotland Yard You're right ! What can we do® Don't worry, they're wide open! Here, boy along this road~a young European, with a white dog? Have you met anyone Yes...and |. ve met him Tintin! guise? Come along, +.You young rascal, you had me properly Fooled!...Honestly, I'd never have recognised you... But why the dis- Shortly after you let they brought Gleulus ashore, They had accompli- ces waiting on the beach , They lifted Glculus ov toa llama and led hin away. | followed ata distance, making sure they didn't spat me We came to Santa Clara, a small town. | hastily bought this cap and poncho in the market, so | was able to get close to Hem at the station and see them buy tickets to Jauga.. ee ENV AY What did they do with PEE Calculus ? Obviously they'd drugged him; he Followed them like a sleep-walker Then the train left - without me, alas: | hadu't enough money for a ticket. After that | retraced ‘my steps, hoping to Find you... [Thundering typhoons |... The gang- sters! Going off with Calculus!.. But we'll catch the vext train. Our seats are in the last coach, aren't they? OF course! But unfort- unately the traiv only runs every other day. Still inbed... And the Thompsons are hot on your trail, some- No, Ho -it is impossible... You ask too much ... cannot... Tk is hip order-and you know what hap- pens to those who dis: Lucky we arrived in good time : the train's going to be crammed. [We're off... How odd: all that Have a good Eri crowd of passengers, but not sefiores! a soul has got into’ our com- partment. Excuse me: [ll be back Tee a Funny thing. ina minute. | 0% ‘you know, we're ab- | solutely alone in this carringe.. [[ Hello, we're slowing down...1 expect we're coming to a station. Strange... 1 say, while you were away 1 was looking at this trav- fl el guide. Imagine, on this line the tmtin climbs to 5,865 Feet overa {] distance of 108 miles... the high- est Failway inthe world. Tin not surprised: weve bean going up steadily. He's still asleep! Come, quick! |) It's too late! o | We'd be ki The emerg I did't thi jency brake! ink 6. Our last chance! Here goes ! Sabotage !...Now f see the whole thing! A viaduct... Ariver... Snowy, old is it. boy, this is i [ Tintin‘... Where is Tintin 0h, 100k !...The coach has gone over the edge we We just made it ! We can thank our lucky stars we got out of that, Snowy! First let's get dry... Then we must try to find che Cap- tain .. Now, on our way . We must join up with the Cap. tain. ws ‘Safe and sound! What an escape! Fey, stop! sArrétez! You were in the runaway coach? You were able Eo jump i -- How fortunate! time? T am in charge at the next station... When the train arrived we founda coach missing...[ was| most upset : it is the First accident we have Had on this Accident? ...You mean atcempted Attempted wmurder?..But that is impossible! A All the same, it's true, But don't let's waste time. We were going to Jauga... Will you take us there 2 | A shore man, you say, with a little black beard, and glassec?... Yee, { think. Wait... He was accompanied by some Indians, wasn’t he? { You mean he was a prisoner le | of the Indians. Out frend has been kidnapped ludiane quite willingly. ‘drugged Kidnapped by the Ludiaus ¢...1... cr. No, he wasn't the man you're looking for... The one {mm talking about seemed to be following the Naturally; he'd been You think so very like! to think oF it, the man... yes, the man | saw was tall, and fair...and clean-shaven. But you told us your sdf, just a moment T was mistaken, Ena’ all. am sorry L can be of no Further acsistance to you, gentlemen... The interview is| dloced' Winy that sudden change «--He seemed anxious not to be Is he afraid of the ‘ u Only ane thing to do: split up and question some of the locals. Right!...We'l meet outside the station in an hour. No sé! Nosé!,.. They're 6 | young orange- seller... Looking For trouble, eh? Aren't you ashamed !,. Bullying a child like that? i ‘ Cl deat wi I'll get you this time, Young swine, 50 | You little rat, take ! tat | smart guy! you'd... There fae Af Mind the: =| wali! I never meant (a y th That's that. But i doesn't help us H find Professor Fantastic! A guide, straight out of the blue! You not look this way ] |] L know where your Fri ~ You tie up your prisoner...You buy guns and ome T speak wise words... You vot go in Search of your Friond, otherwise you weet many dangers, { see you go to help Indian boy.» You are good ... You are brave .. You listen to me, setor... Who are you? A little medal sw. atalisnan, What do you... That is very Foolish choice ... You still go, then take this... Very good, help you in danger... 1 know, sejor... You remember train that ran away... You have] good luck that time... But you ‘not alnays have good luck... You listen to me: you wot can't abandon Voy Friend - but thank _y04, anyway. Le Biiztering barnacles, | why doesn't he show f up, this guide of yours Why, it's the little orange-seller the one | told you about = » = Yes, [ talk to you yester day, From belind wall oe LF Indians see me BGG) 08 wae forme on ctrer al side of bridge ...1 come al Za 7 This is too much! .. If you think Tn Eravelling around with this pair of per- I dowt know. He told us to wait, To carry supplies, sefores. ambulating Fire-pumps, you're very Journey very long! much mistaken! AW Llamas very gentle, seer. Ly You not be afraid. ‘Afeaid?... Met...Afraid of these moth-eaten imitation camels? ....'ve only got to fook them straight in the eye and they'll be eat- ing out of my hand ! a BR” You miserable You not hit ( iconoclast ! him, sefior. f x so gt\\ | Sige When llama angry... Blistering barnacles, E know! Hava oni Come on, we've wasted enough time. «Are we ready, er...? Look, we dow't even know your name Now look, Zorrino: where is our friend ?... Aud why would none of the Indians tell us, though they all seemed to know what had happened to him? He is prisoner in Temple Nea of the Sun... But no one APraid of Inca, setor. Vengeance of tv1ca terrible when Indian tell white man what white man must not know. UO A unbelievable. White men nat know, seior. Only you know, The Incat... The Temple of the Sun?... An Inca, in these days? ... I e's Thanks to you, Zorrino; bac aren't you afraid of the | fnca, toot Alone, ( afraid: with you, | Hot afraid | There is chulpa, seitor, old Inca tomb. We spend night there, oo on again in morning. midnight I'll wake you, and yeu can | take over. Ul stand the First Good night, captain And watch. At about don't Forges’ to wake me in Don't worry, I will... Sleep well, both oF Good night, - —s A licence? va Sacrilege! 1 The Fire of ill strike you down! Excuse we, senor b} Tnca, but have you a licence for that gun? Ugh! What a horrible night: mare!... IU’ just aray oF sunlig) But . Good heavens, they let me sleep on... Captain! ... Tdon'e like iz: {'d better]] | Great snakes! My gun] | Zorrino’s cap; other- get my gun! vanished ! wise, not a trace of a) them... *{ Nothing...only theecho... © | What's become of them? Having breakfast, bet! { Captain! What in the world... fons of blister-| Bees Mf Cut the cackle and get me out oF this before 1 go crazy! Careful! |{ Hey, look! {ts dropping to bits! ce This miserable reptile has spent the night waltzing along my spine! A lizard! He's vanished , Captain,and so have the lamas, and our sap. plies. Much more serious, our guns have gone too! Thundering typhoons, what do we do now Well, it was getting on towards widnight and | wae walking up and down to keep warm. Suddenly a shadow rose up in front of me. There wasn't time to move a muscle before oy Wham... felt a violent blow an tho head... Next thing I knew, £ was where you found me: tied up and gagged, with that lizard down about Zorrino 2 First of all, we must try to Find Zorrino... Then tackle whoever's kid- napped him. Our guns?...The gang- sters!... Bandits'..Fili- busters! Pirates! It's upto you now, Snowy «We've got to Find Zorrino. Look, here's his cap... Goon! .., Seek him Hey, nor soFast, you mountain The path doubles back down | |{ If we took a short cut there... They'll pass down the cliff we could directly below us... surprise thew... Stay i hare, Snowy... Come om, Cap- tai Na] We'll break our Find some other way, Gaptain:: this is too What's going on down there = ind since you're y Friend Tintin, take Captain, will you dis- arm that Indian... S71 Good |... That's dis- ‘| posed oF them! Ee Now then, get goin down that path... fast! The First ove who stops or comes back is a dead duck !...0.K,2,..04 your way...and tale your pal with you! Cknow youl! | We left: him higher up: save me he couldn't climb Where ig down ... Look, there # bee is. I think they've got the idea! Now I'll rejoin the others You see, Zorrino, we didn't ‘abandon you TART Hello, Showy ! T'vegot a real bird's |< ©, eye view! Whew ! What a relief ! He's cafe,..for the moment at least. Now he’s got co come down. ] Why couldn't you have |) |{ This is it ...down we go, gently now answered.en?.. You're incorrigible! ...Now, sit still ‘Oooh! I Feel so Giddy !...Why did I look? Thandering typhoons |... Look, Zorrino! There! «.-Ainather covdor! Quick, may ciFie! Missed, by thunder! And | can't Fire again now: the condor has gor him ¢ Oh, Tintin! Tintin! s.- He'll be Forced to let ga! ‘s all or nothing ... ve wo choice. Blistering barnadies,] what's going on? ... He's hanging on tothe condor's legs! ... By thunder, what next? \ Quick’... Bahind this rock! Whew! Thats bet ter... IEwas a near Tdon’t iknow, Zorrino ... Buried somewhere under the snow... We must fi Sat ‘The Captain! ... He's Found the Captain © Lae = Crumbs! You're right! Contain! ee | tes Will it...2 No, no= Gaptain! thing's moving now. Come on! To work! ... Where is he 2 We must get and quickly! We ought to rub him briskly with alcohol... iF we had some!...Ah, [ll bet he has a Flask in his hip -pocket 5 There ... Wait, Captain, wot so fast! ... Don't drink it all! No, no, Cap- tain! CHL go! Y- you shut up, or {'ll 5-5-sneeze the mountain C-come here, you raggle - Y-you cushion-Footed down! I...1... [$-S-started...hic...all his...hic... $-s- taggle ruminants! ... H-here quadrupeds! ...They nil PCP: IL — Tun oFF as soon as L st we wear! But [ll z y J 3 = /| || Fix them! Ee ~ 7 : | enough damage already! Asif he hasn't done come here you morons, ge and jump toit!... ||. ' Ne . ae «OY have been caught in an avalanche: only two of them left. All the better : easier for us to deal with them ! Come on! | must be s- seeing things...d-down there!..The indians bo kidrapped Zorro! & Get going, Fili- busters!...uzz off, you weeils! Be off with you, slubberdegu tions ! Patagonians! ... Bachi-bazouks Carpet -sellers Kleptomaniacs!... Great snakes ! Those Indians again! ... Bole- ing like rabbits !...But the Captain. He'e done for | mere You know, Zorrino, the Cap- tain's guardian augel has a Nothing broken, Cap- tain? That's lucky ... Well, [ reckon we've seen the last of those ruffians... Now, let's get back to the path... I say, where's Snows I dow't remember < ing hiv around For quite a while... Snowy!... Snewy!... Good old Snowy! You've managed to dig out the We've Found your cap; that’s Fine. But I'm afraid we've lost: the Wawmas, and that means no more food, aud no more ammunition ‘No wore ammunition ? You veedu't worry about that. Look: two boxes of cartridges, lero in my pocket newspaper: Poe You see, down there. Tomorrow we come into thick jungle. Is the Temple of the Sun 7] Ne, sevior, temple ti Blistering bar- nnacles! (s there “why don'e we over First no end to it? spond the night here? I've had about mao y enough of this little jaunt, F can tell you! What a bit of luck! IF needs be we can sheot for the pot v-Aud take care of that 2 might need it to light a Fire, Dow't worry. I'll look it snug) It's allright... You can come on up... It'S very What? ... Who? What did you cay? =Shout louder, i V can't hear | yout What?... What is itt What are you waving your arms for! Mi vit i) Be What §...Thundering byphoons, || |[ There's a bear {sveakup, cave you! behind you! 4 NEEG . lp [Lucky for you we're ammunition, other H you think bats Funny, | on, pithec- anthropic ‘mauntebanks! Billions of blue | blistering barnacles All beeauce of tho ibbering anthropoids!]) To blazes with them! Wee

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