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1. Which of the following statements ab Physiology:

out Eicosanoid Synthesis is true?
1. The fact that the left ventricular wall
A. Eicosanoids are unsaturated FAs is thicker than the right reveals that it

B. Arachidonate is derived mainly by hy A. pumps a greater volume of blood B.

drolysis of TAG pumps blood against greater resistance

C.Synthesis results from activation of C3 C. expands the thoracic cage D. pumps

blood through a smaller valve
D. They act through a second messenge
r 2. A person's electrocardiogram (ECG) h
as no P wave, but has a normal QRS co
2. The initiating substrate for fatty acid
mplex and a normal T wave. Therefor
oxidation is which of the following? (A) e, his pacemaker is located in the
Long-chain fatty acid (B) Fatty acyl carn
itine (C) Fatty acyl CoA (D) b-Hydroxyac A. sinoatrial (SA) node B. atrioventricul
yl CoA (E) Acetyl CoA ar (AV) node

3. In which cell or tissue does triacylgly C. bundle of His D. purkinje system

cerol packaging into chylomicrons occur?
3. The physiologic function of the relativ
(A) Intestinal epithelial cell (B) Liver ce
ll (C) Muscle cell (D) Heart cell ely slow conduction through the atrioven
tricular (AV) node is to allow sufficient ti
4. The carbon atoms from a fatty acid me for:
with an odd number of carbons will ente
A. run-off of blood from the aorta to the
r the citric acid cycle as acetyl-CoA and
arteries B.venous return to the atria
C. filling of the ventricles D. contraction
A. Butyrate B. Citrate C. Malate D. Succi
of the ventricles
nyl CoA
4. Which part of the ECG corresponds
5.Which enzyme is the major regulatory
to ventricular repolarization?
control point for B-oxiation?
A. The P wave B. The QRS duration
A. Pyruvate carboxylase B. CPT I / CAT
I C. The T wave D. QT interval
C. Acetyl-CoA dehydrogenase D. Enoyl-C 5.True about Starlings law on heart fun
oA isomerase ction

A. does not operate in the failing heart


B. does not operate during exercise.

C. explains the increase in heart rate pr

oduced by exercise.

D. explains the increase in cardiac outpu

t that occurs when venous return is incr


6. Which of the following is responsible f

or the proper alignment of the atriovent
ricular canal and the conoventricular can

Anatomy: A. Lateral folding of the embryo

1.Which structure is responsible for the B. Craniocaudal folding of the embryo

division of the truncus arteriosus into th
C. Programmed cell migration
e great arteries?
D. Dextral Looping
A. Septum secundum B. Septum primu
m 7. A 2-day-old newborn female is diagno
sed with pulmonary stenosis, overriding
C. Bulbar septum D. Aorticopulmonary
of the aorta, ventricular septal defect, a
nd hypertrophy of the right ventricle. W
2. a 68-year-old male who underwent m hich condition is best characterized by t
itral valve replacement demonstrates sig hese signs?
nifi cant cardiac hypertrophy. Which of t
A. Tetralogy of Fallot
he following structures would be most li
kely to be compressed? B. Atrial septal defect

A. Esophagus B. Pulmonary trunk C. Transposition of the great vessels

C. Superior vena cava D. Trachea

D. Pulmonary atresia
3.Which of the following structures prev
ents regurgitation of the mitral valve cu 8.Which of the three primary germ layer
sps into the left atrium during systole? s forms the histologically definitive endo
cardium of the adult heart?

A. Crista terminalis B. Crista Dianis A.Ectoderm B.Endoderm C.Mesoderm D.

C.Pectinate muscles D. Chordae tendinea
e 9.The proximal part of the internal carot
id artery is derived from which of the fo
4. Which of the following heart valves a llowing?
re responsible for the production of the
fi rst heart sound? A Aortic arch 1. B. Aortic arch 2

A. Aortic and mitral B. Aortic and tricus C. Aortic arch 3 D. Aortic arch 4
10. Sheena Marie presents to the doctor
C.Tricuspid and mitral D. Mitral and pul s office. On the surface of the chest, th
monary e physician must place the stethoscope
on which part, tolocate the apex of the
5. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve rec
heart: A. the level of the sternal angle
urs around the
B. the left fourth intercostal space
A.left primary bronchus
C. the left fifth intercostal space, midcla
B. left subclavian artery
vicular line
C. left subclavian vein
D. the right fifth intercostal space
D. ductus arteriosus


11. A 54-year-old female is admitted to B. Central

the hospital with a stab wound of the th
C. Apical
oracic wall in the area of the right fourt
h costal cartilage. Which of the following D. Anterior (pectoral)
pulmonary structures is present at this
site? 15. In the thorax, the trachea ends bifu
rcates into right and left principal bronc
A. The horizontal fissure of the left lun hi at an area also known as:
g B. The horizontal fissure of the ri
ght lung A. Carina

C. The oblique fissure of the left lung B. Carinina

D. The apex of the right lung
C. Carotid

D. Cricoid

12. The expiratory wheezes are characte

ristic signs of bronchospasm of the smo
oth muscle of the bronchial airways. Whi 1. Type of family where three generatio
ch of the following nerves could be bloc ns or more, live in a household extende
ked to result in relaxation of the smooth d either unilaterally or bilaterally:
A. Nuclear
A. Phrenic
B. Blended
B. Intercostal
C. Extended
C. Vagus
D. Kin-network
D. T1 to T4 sympathetic fi bers
2.Healthy lifestyle falls under what type
13.On bronchoscopic examination, partial of prevention in the family participation i
ly digested food is observed blocking th n wellness:
e origin of the right superior lobar bronc
hus. Which of the following groups of br A. Primary
onchopulmonary segments will be affect B. Secondary
ed by this obstruction?
C. Tertiary
A. Superior, medial, lateral, medial bas
al D. All of the above

B. Apical, anterior, posterior 3.______ a concept arising from the wo

rk of the important American sociologist
C. Posterior, anterior, superior, lateral Talcott Parsons:
D. Apical, lateral, medial, lateral basal A. Sick-role behavior
14.Which group of axillary lymph nodes B. Sick-rule behavior
is the fi rst to receive lymph drainage fr
om the secretory tissue of the breast an C. Health-Illness continuum
d therefore most likely to contain metas
D. Family Life Cycle
tasized tu-mor cells?
4.__________________ are defined resp
A. Lateral
onsibilities connected with a particular st


age which need to be accomplished for t

he family to continue to move successful
ly through the cycle:

A. Family life cycle

B. Family Developmental tasks

C. Family assessment process

D. Functional family

5. Characteristics of the Filipino Family,


A. Closely-knit

B. Strong Family Orientation

C. Low value on education

D. Child-centered

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