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Chartered Accountancy:-

This is much sought after but tough intellectual field of education.

Those qualified are watchdog of business and industry.
1. Astrologically such natives have strong Artha Trikona houses
2. The 2nd house indicates Finance
3. 6th house Litigation and Law
4. 10th house indicate karma/vocation
5. 12th house denotes taxes and revenue
6. 5th house for specific education and advice (Closes the inter-action
among these houses and /or their lords ,better will be the prospects)
7. Mercury - Intellect, trade, audit, accounts and multination firms
8. Jupiter wisdom, banking, finance, policies control, law and advice
(Primary Karaka of Both Planets)
9. Sun - Representing Government tax structure
10.Mars/Saturn - For advising reduction /evasion of government dues, are
also important

Any relationship among these planets would auger well for success. These
natives who do not have good basic promise in their horoscope may end up an
Company Secretary, Cost Accountant, Accountant or Auditors.

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