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ULAB 1122 (2014/2015)
Explain the effects of social network
obsession on teenagers lifestyle


I/C : 940707016808
Themes : obsession of social network

Topic : Explain the effects of social network obsession on teenagers lifestyle

Outline :


a steep rise in the number of the social network on teenagers

Teenagers from the age of twelve to twenty one abuse the use of social network
and are overly obsessed with it
excessive internet use can have serious negative consequences on teenager
Obsession of social network is someone like to stick to the chair speeding too
much time using Facebook, Twitter or MySpace
This essay attempts to discuss the effects of social network obsession such as
harmful to the health, completely absorbed in a virtual world and affect the
academic performance on teenagers.

2. Effect- health related problem

First and foremost, the obsessive Internet can result in serious health related
The teenagers sit down after eating until bed time without physical movement will
cause excessive fat and calories pile on the body becoming physically unattractive.
teenager using increasingly more of valuable waking hours and spend their time
in bed before falling asleep updating or checking their friend status updates on
According to Sceniher has concluded that artificial light from electronic devices
can be harmful to people eye when the products are used at night
negative effect on health of teenagers can lead to the psychological disorders
In fact, daily overuse of media network has a negative effect on the health of
teenagers and become tendency to anxiety, depression
Thus, an obsession with the social network can lead to an unhealthy diet,
considerable weight gain and mental problem.

3. Effect- completely absorbed in a virtual world

Secondly, teenagers will completely absorb in a virtual world.

rarely have face-to-face interaction and toward face-to-screen interaction even
through forget the important real friends in our life.
high level of anxiety and cause the teenagers disconnected from the real world
Furthermore, teenagers ability to retain information has decreased and the
willingness to spend more time researching and looking up good information has
In addition, teenagers will also addiction of Internet gambling through social
In short, this virtual world provides teenagers with no responsibilities.

4. Effect- negative effects on academic life

Third, the obsessive Internet can causing teenager poorly in the education
Student are not able to pay attention during lecture hour and cannot focus on the class
switching between Facebook and assignment to the page every few minute that can affect
their academic if not properly controlled
this is no doubt that students cannot start their work and finish on time
Other negative effects of social networking included encouraging poor spelling
and grammar
Teenagers tend to do the quickest and most basic forms of task cause grammar is
Hence, Facebook is a prime example of a social media network that has a serious
affect the students performance in school.

The main harm of social networking is creating an obsession.
social network also make teenagers clumsy when dealing with such issues
Obsession of social network are taking teenager time.
Obsession of social network has negative effects in the lives of the teenager and
his or her friend and family member
excessive use of the internet and failure to control this usage which seriously
harms a teenagers health, social and academic life
Since the nineteenth century, a steep rise in the number of the social network on
teenagers. Teenagers from the age of twelve to twenty one abuse the use of social
network and are overly obsessed with it. Online social networking is a type of virtual
communication that allows people to connect with each other to reduce the peers. This
concept arises from basic need of human beings to say together in groups forming a
community. According to Dr. karrier Lager, a child psychologist practicing in Los
Angeles, says. excessive internet use can have serious negative consequences on
teenager lifestyle. Obsession of social network is someone like to stick to the chair and
speeding too much time using Facebook, Twitter or MySpace. This essay attempts to
discuss the effects of social network obsession such as harmful to the health, completely
absorbed in a virtual world and affect the academic performance on teenagers.

First and foremost, the obsessive Internet can result in serious health related
problem which harmful to the brain and mental on teenagers. This is because users spend
most of time in front of the computer on the Internet rather than going out. This is no
time for physical exercise such as running, jogging and swimming. The teenagers sit
down after eating until bed time without physical movement will cause excessive fat and
calories pile on the body becoming physically unattractive. In addition, teenager using
increasingly more of valuable waking hours and spend their time in bed before falling
asleep updating or checking their friend status updates on Facebook. According to
Sceniher has concluded that artificial light from electronic devices such as computer and
tablet can be harmful to people eye when the products are used at night and making
falling asleep more difficult and waking up harder. In the short term of insufficient sleep
mostly concern the teenagers judgment and memory. For instance, teenagers easy to
forget the simple stuff because start losing the ability to store memories into working
memory if they keep overusing social media. In the long term, serious bodily is at risk
can lead to backache and early death because reaction time will be slower. Also,
negative effect on health of teenagers can lead to the psychological disorders. According
to a survey by Time to Change, 47% of people aged 21 and under easiest to talk about
mental problems with over using social network. In fact, daily overuse of media network
has a negative effect on the health of teenagers and become tendency to anxiety,
depression and other psychological disorder. Thus, an obsession with the social network
can lead to weight gain, harmful to the eye and mental problem.

Secondly, teenagers will completely absorb in a virtual world. This means that
computer based online community environment that is designed and shared by individual
so that the user can interact with each other in this simulated world using text based. The
teenager addicts spend too much time socializing with friends on the Internet and rarely
have face-to-face interaction and toward face-to-screen interaction even through forget
the important real friends in our life. This may have a negative effect on face-to-face
encounters for teenagers who already have high level of anxiety and cause the teenagers
disconnected from the real world. Furthermore, teenagers ability to retain information
has decreased and the willingness to spend more time researching and looking up good
information has reduced, due the fact that easy of accessibility to information on social
media. In addition, teenagers will also addiction of Internet gambling through social
network. For example, gambling type games are popular on Facebook. Even when game
do not involve money such as playing poker for points on Facebook will lead to teenager
competes with user to get the higher marks on the game. In short, this virtual world
provides teenagers with no responsibilities.

Third, the obsessive Internet can causing teenager poorly in the education. Many
students cannot go for two or three hours without checking and updating their status on
these social networking even at the school who is overly obsessed with it. For instance
students are using tablet computer and smartphone to check home page and cannot
focus during lecture hour on the class can lead to lower grade in the subjects. Some
students also switching between Facebook and assignment to the page every few minute
that can affect academic if not properly controlled. In the Time Magazine U.S. Edition
an article called Wired for Distraction: Kids and Social Media, written by Dalton Conley,
states that students and people who are heavily involved in social media have
continuous partial attention. This means that ability to pay attention to one person or
thing is nearly impossible. As mentioned, obsession cause bad time management to
spend revising and doing home works are wasted in the social network such as Instagram
and Facebook this is no doubt that students cannot start their work and finish on times.
Other negative effects obsession of social networking included encouraging poor spelling
and grammar. Teenagers tend to do the quickest and most basic forms of task causing
grammar is suffering. For example, students writing the essay using acronyms such as
BTW (by the way), IDK ( I dont know) and with no punctuation, everything just flows
together as one long on sentence. Hence, Facebook is a prime example of a social
network that has a serious affect the students performance in school.

In a nutshell, social networking can assist teenagers to become more socially

capable. However, social network may also make teenagers clumsy when dealing with
such issues. An obsession of social network are taking teenager time. Obsession of social
network has negative effects in the lives of the teenager and his or her friend and family
member. Social network addiction as the excessive use of the internet and failure to
control this usage which seriously harms a teenagers health, social life and academic

1. Sarah, S. (1989). Social Media Abuse or Over Obsession, Teen Ink. Retrieved on
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2. Rouis, S., Limayem, M., & Salehi-Sangari, E. (2011). Impact of Facebook Usage
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3. Atwal, A 2011, Social-Media Use Can Lead to Mental Health Problems, Youth
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4. Conley, D. (2011, 19 May). Wired for Distraction: Kids and Social Media. Time
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