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Erick Martinez

UWRT 1102-023

Proposal for Inquiry Topic

The topic I have selected to write my inquiry based upon is Could Universities do away with

the need of general education. I have been asking myself this question since my freshman year

in college unable to completely comprehend the reasoning American Universities follow this

curriculum. Recently I have also been around foreign exchange students that have been able to

come to the United States from Universities from around the world. Whenever I happen to ask

them how is our education different from theirs they usually question us in why are we required

to take general education? Stating that back home they concentrate on their majors classes

specifically. What I find important within this topic is to have an understanding in the election of

the following curriculum. A reader will be interested because they were or are college students at

the moment having an understanding of my question. In a larger context having an idea of a

different path for students could be a possibility. I will begin my research with finding out the

reason why our country selected this path and what other countries follow a similar necessity.

Following this question, I will wonder why do other countries approach their higher education in

a different manner. Are there statistics that allow one to know if our education is benefited from

this requirement.

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