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Our Namesake

Our middle school is named after American educationalist and reformer,

Henry Barnard. In 1843, he was appointed by the governor of Rhode Island
agent to examine the public schools of the state, and recommended
improvements; and his work resulted in the reorganization of the school
system two years later. From 1845 to 1849, he was the first commissioner of
public schools in the state, and his administration was marked by a decided
step in educational progress.Barnard was the first Commissioner of Education
from 1867 to 1870 and in this position, he laid the foundation for the
subsequent work of the Bureau of Education.
Mission Statement
The goal of H. Barnard Middle School is to ensure
the success of each child and to promote freedom of
expression. We will prepare students and allow
them to grow, develop and master skills needed for
a successful and radiant future, for the real world
and what lies ahead of them.
Why Public School?
- Most of us has had a positive experience with public school
- Public school education gives students the opportunity to be
exposed to other students with different backgrounds as
What do we value?
- Central Question for any school, ensures what the institution holds to be important
and necessary

- Preparing educated citizens who can undertake actions to spark change

- To prepare as many students as possible for college and/or well-paid careers

- To develop strong self-concept and self-esteem in students

- To teach students our nations work ethic: responsibility, cooperation, self-control,

neatness, and other pivotal life skills

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