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Ten things you can do or not do in Iran

Iran, whose official name is the Islamic Republic of Iran, Its the eighteenth largest country in the
world with 1.648.195 km, Iran has a population of almost 80 million people of diverse ethnicities,
his official language is Persa, Not ARAB, they are not Arab, they are Persa and they speak Farsi.

Five things you cant do in Iran.

1- The first thing is for women, they cant dress like they want, since there is a dress code.
2- In Iran you cant be homosexual, because you will be persecuted by the religious police.
3- You cant leave a store without paying, this happens due to the "tarof" that is about
extreme hospitality, but you must insist on paying the product.
4- You should not accept food the first time someone offers it to you.
5- You should not talk about Khamenei because he is their revolutionary leader, and this
issue is controversial.

Other interesting things, you cant lift your thumb, because this would be an insult, you cant shake
hands with someone of the opposite sex

Now not everything is bad.

1- You can operate your nose, this is the most common surgeries.
2- You can learn parkour.
3- You can buy Persian rugs, these are some of the best in the world.
4- You can walk through the streets, this country is the safest in the Middle East.
5- Street food is very cheap, you can eat in industrial quantities.

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