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Absolute zero

Temperature is the measure of the hotness or coldness of an object. It is a property that allows
us to quantify heat and determine which way the heat will flow from one object to another.
When an object is cold, we say it has a low temperature and when it is hot, we say it has a high
temperature. If we place our hands in water and the heat energy flows from the water to our
hands then the water is at a higher temperature than our hands. If the heat energy was to flow
from our hands to the water then the water would be at a lower temperature than our hands.

The temperature of a substance is a measure of the motion of all the atoms and molecules in
the substance. When a substance is heated the speed of the particles increase as do their
kinetic energies and the temperature rises. When a substance is cooled the speed of the
particles decrease and so do their kinetic energies and the temperature drops. If the substance
is cooled further the motion of the particles continues to slow down and their vibrations
become less and less. Eventually a temperature can be reached at which point the atoms and
molecules in the substance are at their lowest energy state and their movement virtually
ceases. This is reached at a temperature of -273C and is called absolute zero. This is the
lowest possible temperature because the atoms and molecules are at their lowest energy state
and therefore there is no energy for transfer.

Kelvin scale

The Kelvin temperature scale takes its name after Lord Kelvin who developed it in the mid
1800s. It takes absolute zero as the starting point and temperature measurements are given
the symbol K (which stands for "Kelvin"). Temperature differences on the Kelvin scale are no
different to those on the Celsius (C) scale. The two scales differ in their starting points. Thus,
0C is 273K.

Converting from Celsius to Kelvin

Temperature in C + 273 = Temperature in K

Converting from Kelvin to Celsius

Temperature in K 273 = Temperature in C

Boyle's law

All the particles (atoms and molecules) of a substance are continually moving and so possess
kinetic energy. In gases the movement of the particles is highly energetic and this is the reason
why gases form, the particles have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces holding
the particles together. In gases the particles are moving very quickly and freely in a random
manner constantly bumping into each other and their surroundings. It is these collisions
between the particles of the gas and the walls of the container it is confined to that creates gas
pressure. The gas pressure is the overall force of all these collisions divided by the area of the
walls of the container it is confined in.
The relationship of a gas with pressure and volume was developed by the scientist Robert Boyle
at around 1660 and is known as Boyles Law.

Boyles law states:

"For a fixed mass of gas, at a constant temperature, the product (pressure x volume) is a

Pressure x Volume = constant

p x V = constant

The animation below gives and explanation of Boyle's law:

Charles law states:

"For a fixed mass of gas, at a constant pressure, the volume (V) is directly proportional to the
absolute temperature (T)."

Volume Temperature

= constant
The animation below gives and explanation of Charles' law:
The pressure law states:

"For a fixed mass of gas, at a constant volume, the pressure (p) is directly proportional to the
absolute temperature (T)."

Pressure Temperature

= constant

The animation below gives and explanation of the Pressure law:

The three gas laws give the following equations:

p V = constant (when T is kept constant) Boyles Law

V = constant (when p is kept

Charles Law
T constant)
p = constant (when V is kept
Pressure Law
T constant)

These 3 equations are combined to give the ideal gas equation:

= constant


p = the pressure of the gas

V = the volume the gas occupies
T = the gas temperature on the Kelvin scale

From this equation we know that if a fix mass of gas has starting values of p1, V1 and T1, and
then some time later has value p2, V2 and T2, the equation can be written as:

p 1 V1 p 2 V2
T1 T2

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