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Lam Tran

THRC 2104


Activity #2

Activity Title: Ankle Balloon Stomp

Youth Working It. (2012) Ankle Balloon Stomp. Retrieved from

Kemp, G., Smith, M., Segal, J. (2017, October). Learning Disabilities and Disorders. Help
guide: trusted guide to mental & emotional health. Retrieved from

Equipment needed:

Activity Description following guidelines for task analysis.

1. Divide the large group into 2 to 3 teams.

2. Each team gets different colors of balloon.

3. Each person of every team will get 1 balloon.

4. Everyone blows up their balloon.

5. Have string attached to the balloon, and tie the string around their ankle.

6. When the supervisor says go everybody needs to stomp on others people balloons

using the foot that doesnt have the balloon attached.

7. The foot with the balloon attached must stay on the floor.

8. No shoving, no pushing

9. Try to stomp on the opponent teams balloons.

10. The team, which has the most unburst balloons will win.

Primary interaction pattern(s) intergroup

One researched adaptation specific to a disability group: learning disabilities.

Learning disabilities are neurological-based processing problems, which can interfere the

individuals with learning some basic skills such as reading, writing, and/or math; it also

interferes with higher level skills such as paying attention, organizing, problem solving, and

decision making. With ankle balloon stomping, it allows this disabled group to practice these

skills, such as focus on the surroundings, paying more attention, what he or she is running

toward me, and what to do next. It also helps them to improve their communication skills, motor

skills, and social interaction skills. One way to modify this activity for individuals with learning

disabilities is that they can tie the balloon around their wrist instead of their ankle, and pop

others balloon with the hands instead of their feet. With this modification, it will be easier for

any individuals who might have trouble with balancing, or having a hard time to focus; they can

see easily, and directly; its easier for them to keep their balance, and to focus.

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