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Baca dan tulips balik formal letter dlm text book page 88 n 89.

Belajar write a letter to seek permission

to be absent fr school, and request permission to visit a Old Folks Home.Read PG 54 on Saving the
Environment,page 98 on Stay Safe from Strangers, page 137 on Ways to Save Money, and intro of a
speech which I have given her.

Assalam...sila beri tumpuan on writing

1. Informal letter
2. Speech
3. Note
4. Message
5. Report
6. Email

Browse the topic of pollution in text book :

Year 4 ( Unit 6 )
Topic : Care for the sea
Page : 53 - 58

Year 5 ( Unit 11 )
Topic : Natural disasters
Page : 103 - 109

Year 6 ( Unit 6 )
Topic : Go green
Page : 51 57

For UPSR 2017, Paper 014 Penulisan, essay question can be possibly either one of these 3 types.
TYPE 1 - ROUTINE. Probability is 5% out
TYPE 2 : ACTIVITY. Probability is 10% out
TYPE 3 : BAD INCIDENT. Probability is 85% out

Note : These illustrations are taken from Didik Berita Harian, dated 14th July 2014 as a reference.

So teachers, please ensure our students are capable of attempting any of these types especially TYPE

TYPE 1 : ROUTINE ( Normally written in Present Tense)

Encik Rahman owns a chicken rice stall in town. He opens his stall every day except on Friday and he
has a lot of regular customers.
During peak hour which is normally in the afternoon, he is so busy. Fortunately his wife is there to
assist him to attend the customers.
The customers who come from different walks of life really enjoy his chicken rice which is cheap and
tastes delectable as well.
His chicken rice business ends in the evening where he then sells banana fritters before he leaves for
home after dusk. Indeed he is a hardworking man.

TYPE 2 : ACTIVITY ( Normally written in Past Tense )

It was a fine weekend and Zul, together with his close buddies seemed to be going fishing at a lake
quite adjacent to their neighbourhood.
At a nice fishing spot chosen earlier, they cast their fishing line. Initially, it was a bit monotonous
until all of them caught a fish. They were bouncing off the walls.
As dusk arrived, they stopped fishing and went home. As for Zul, his mother cooked the fish and
served them for dinner. Everyone really enjoyed the cooking and hoped Zul would fish more.

TYPE 3 : BAD INCIDENT@ EXPERIENCE (Normally written in Present and Past Tense)

Pak Hitam is a rubber tapper. At the crack of dawn, he cycles to the rubber estate to tap rubber trees to
earn for a living.
One morning, as he was in the estate, he heard a growling sound. He stood still, slowly turned around
and discovered it was none other than a tiger which made his hair stood on ends.
Safely arrived at home, Pak Hitam informed the Perhilitan. The following day, a cage was made to
trap the creature. Few days later, the tiger was caught and brought to the zoo.
As for Pak Hitam, he was relieved.
Norrashidah75, [10.09.17 20:27]
[Forwarded from Sir PLZ's Channel (AMN)]
Formal Letter

1. Header ( writer's address, date, receiver's name and address)

2. Salutation - Dear Sir or Dear Madam
3. Re: Invitation to an event, Invitation to officiate an event, Absent from school, Permission to use a
premise for an event
4. Opening
The English Panel is organizing an English Day on 12 September 2017. The program will be held at
Dewan Cemerlang from 9 to 11a.m.
5. Content
We would like to invite you to say few words, officiate the English Day and give away the prizes to
6. End
We hope you can take the time out of your busy schedule. We are looking forward to having you
7. Closing
Complimentary - Yours sincerely
Your name and designation
8. No. of words
English Language Society,
Sekolah Kebangsaan Kamil,
Jln Pinang,
45000 Kedah.

5 September 2017

Sinar Old Folks Home,

Taman Minang,
36000 Kedah.

Permission to Visit Sinar Old Folks Home

Dear Sir,

We would like to ask permission to visit your old folks home. We are from English Society of SK
Kamil. There will be twenty students and two teachers. It is our social responsible welfare

We plan to visit your place on 20 September 2017 from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. We will go there by
bus. We will bring some food and goodies for the elderly there. We plan to do some enjoyable
activities with them such as singing, playing board games and reciting poems.

I hope to get reply from you as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,
Amena Ahmad

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