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Nama : Muhammad Yamin

Kelas : A2

NIM : 120100024

Schizophrenia is a clinical syndrome of variable, but profoundly disruptive, psychopathology
that involves cognition, emotion, perception, and other aspects of behavior. The expression of
these manifestations varies across patients and over time, but the effect of the illness is
always severe and is usually long lasting. The disorder usually begins before age 25, persists
throughout life, and affects persons of all social classes. Both patients and their families often
suffer from poor care and social ostracism because of widespread ignorance about the
disorder. Although schizophrenia is discussed as if it is a single disease, it probably
comprises a group of disorders with heterogeneous etiologies, and it includes patients whose
clinical presentations, treatment response, and courses of illness vary. Clinicians should
appreciate that the diagnosis of schizophrenia is based entirely on the psychiatric history and
mental status examination.

Schizophrenia is a clinical syndrome of variable, but profoundly disruptive, psychopathology

that involves cognition, emotion, perception, and other aspects of behavior
A. The manifestations are varies
1. It varies across patients and over time
2. the effect of the illness is always severe
3. It is usually long lasting

B. Onset and social effect

1. The disorder usually begins before age 25
2. It affects persons of all social classes
3. Both patients and their families often suffer from poor care
4. There is a widespread ignorance about the disorder

C. There is a group of disorders on it

1. it probably comprises a group of disorders
2. there are heterogeneous etiologies
3. the clinical presentations are varies
Clinicians should appreciate that the diagnosis of schizophrenia is based entirely on the
psychiatric history and mental status examination.

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