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Hypothalamus Gland

The hypothalamus is an integral part of the brain. It is a small cone-shaped

structure that projects downward from the brain, ending in the pituitary (infundibular)
stalk, a tubular connection to the pituitary gland.

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland is a pea-sized structure located at the base of the brain, just
below the hypothalamus, to which it is attached via nerve fibers.
Thyroid Gland

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland, brownish-red color that sits low on the
front of the neck. Thyroid lies below your Adams apple, along the front of the windpipe.
The thyroid has two side lobes, connected by a bridge (isthmus) in the middle

Parathyroid Gland

The parathyroid glands consist of four small bean-shaped separate glands

located on the posterior surface of the lobes of the thyroid gland.

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