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Facts about coconut

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10 interesting facts about Coconuts
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Found across much of the tropic and subtropic area, the coconut is known for its great versatility
as seen in the many domestic, commercial, and industrial uses of its different parts. Coconuts are
part of the daily diet of many people. Here are some interesting facts about Coconuts :

1. The origin of the coconut has been lost to history. Coconuts are a prehistoric plant that
scientists believe came from the South Pacific around what is now New Guinea.

2. The sailors aboard Vasco de Gamas ships gave the coconut its name. They called it Coco,
named after a grimacing face or hobgoblin. When the coco came to England, the suffix of nut
was added and thats how the name came about.
3. Coconut oils contain median chain triglycerides which are easy to digest. The oil is source of
energy and has an accelerating effect on the metabolism.

4. Coconut oils also contain four growth hormones, that help the development of many
organisms. Coconut water is considered the father of modern tissue culture science.

5. Coconut Water Can Be Used as a Substitute for Blood Plasma !!!

6. They grow from sandy soils and an abundant amount of sun and rain. Often they are found
near the ocean and sustainable to the excessive salt in the air.

7. Coconut trees belong to the plant family known as Arecaceae and are the only species of the
genus Cocos. They can grow up to 30 meters high.
8. Coconuts are the seeds of the coconut palm tree and considered a type of nut. The meat of
the coconut is high in protein; whereas the milk is refreshing, light and low in sugar.
9. Aside from their culinary purposes, they are also used for cosmetic purposes and as a
mosquito repellent (burning the husk).
10. Most plants have tap roots. However, the coconut tree has a fibrous root system. The tree
gains the nutrition from thin branching roots growing from the stem.

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