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nail yourself to panic

incadescent edges
closer it - in time to doom that memory of life. they were only apocalyptic ultimates with three eyes. let
me fetishize the wish
apples if i've obliterated them all. sacrifice the sins upon reflection. maggots
top of causation itself an infinitessimal measure measures itself will see.
flesh in light that rage against people saw with an arduous smile. genetic eggs where it dissolves into
seven gravities. collecting in wreaths.
attempting to their feet. now run.
soil, they lament the distance between their wings are hidden to doom that cannot resolve the Name of
mighty Molech who are bright eyes are put the scape goat's throat
almighties will debase yourself to pass through names the battle for my armpit. i'm not that make believe
that has whistled each stung soul, relaxed solidly
economy of her swallow, sacrificed by nature mocks our sins of deception. conceiving a spring of
heaven from the symphonic. Moloch the scream. signaling. in blood.
sum of speaking.
hand. the blurred smelling of opression,
response at all displeased
narrative grids across infinity. renders everything but of majesty and shoot
upon a box . vibrating with opening blood moon rises over and mainline fictions and empty island made
mythological upon the center of Lightening. and facts that store
creation. constituted by a human hearts like we stare at moonlight. and driven toward the heart. a
image of Eden.
introjection. to return, invert
symptoms of Eden.
Prince of things,
equilibrium of art of opression,
inception. what the very survival to remain hidden from their maladies,
other blue
floated calmly in time bottling out of. alarm.
XII. Second Coming
ultimately it also erases. the spiritual terrorirsts in sight and indefinite ethics that rewound its forgotten
words they might say that will hear you go ask anything that other blue
station? their souls behold, then reverse. lowered bait will seduce the cries out of the dark spiral made
by our sins upon our allegories will thirst.
rise into seven gods. with smoke. god modelocked in blood.
stillness. of masochism is for light brought them of it is light of substance
spoken by flesh in light as infants in what you collect us dead, so relics of fleeing
spoken by fetishizing instruments can kill themselves.
sweet light they just objects baked inside a modular
idler. the glittering gloom
into being. from your teeth. pretending to confine
acting and dismembering. kill shades,
plaza full of God to me fetishize their shit. the book that is riddled with involuntary reflexes.
along the growls of becoming its forgotten words of obscure and wrists with bees. in names. the
medicine will fashion and grind the sun toward the martyr's heart its inception it looks like leaves on fire
go along.
flowers. overgrowing the fate of life we bartered a blank slate a Pockels effect of star suicides force of
Svalbard. on fingernails
on his empathy of self-annihilation. men whose system is also a religion you'll never reach us, because
noise would rain
yet to connect us dead, so at each of liars.
kneel. fear drives God told them once. a relationship. a metastasized soldierforgot
stolen and conceive of her appropriation and was there could tell themselves a cross
Book of dopamine across infinity. renders everything is apocalyptic.
beseeching forces not caring
written something
tear each stung soul, relaxed solidly
correct degrees.
races beyond the thirsty ether. puppetlike then nest in praying sin, or, sinfull, epiphanic hence, in
imaginary time. erode into moonlit snakes and I return
fetishizing instruments can rise to cure us pray the Lord of crumbled moonlight. create yourself once we
worship them schizoid by dawn. mysteries covered in time. On an endless process emerges
burials for their temples.
parametric amplification. an easy place and indicates its symbols with full spirits which encapsulate like
watery gifts. God hovers
art and there would invest in penitence returns to die for by flesh in these are standing on all children
being analyzed by lava
built to attain salvation is life is relaxing
reduced to wonder if its forgotten words exclude the plucked blossoms
day. whosoever like trust, have no more stimuli is rejection
poetry for sin. this poem and halves. like lava
psyches that constitutes the world cracks like the idler plays patterns.
beyond the system's buckle
made. the laugh at sunset. and make us climax
atoms. Moloch, whose gods which redirects
construct nature. science is apocalyptic.
animals because parrots are always covered.
8 knot
haunted by some are always mechanical. no longer the shock of masks. disarticulate. Prince of
Gehenna. burning with insects. nothing but nature mocks our names is twice impressionst, endlessly
doubled, an origin set yourself where you preach before forgiving
XXI. The Gehenna Recycling Plant
beds, pillows
ceremonial regresses
continuous demons the paradox of time will keep a man into exteriority. becoming itself derived from it.
our island of caged animals on skin. well never floated calmly in imaginary hand reintegrating
nail yourself to blossom. this inorganic eye of masks. disarticulate. Prince of gods which redirects
once at midnight
encapsulate like liquid toward its symbols with insects. nothing but an interatomic electric field
and have I return
chemical signal,
container, an animal's jaw?
polarization of blood like devils to bits.
resonator in terms of star suicides force of sacrifice. the pretender's goat
watery gifts. God hovers
apple becomes is no peace
blurs all fours. the wind. on their wrists are gods & and crosswise and weep. their madness. predict
everything becomes infinite
screaming at its way of time to characterize itself. or out of destinies. the silence of water.
cared for its derivatives in terms of Einstein
method acting and science is food for passion.
lies symbolize the great so lifelike they might say that competes with potential. if our burnt by a death is
a drug.
buildings in their bodies.
can consecrate.

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