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A Written Analysis of a given article.

In a given article, Rethink strategies to energise recycling habit the author, Dr Ahmad Ibrahim tends to bound by
the issue of ways to implanted recycling habits among Malaysians. He argues about the amount of world consuming
materials by not recycling waste material especially in Malaysia. The authors tone shows disappointment of the
way Malaysian thinks about disposing material then, he shows persuasive to convince Government of health
ministry, general public and all Malaysian about effect not taking recycling as a habit in life. He shows neutral point
of view, since he stated several example of country that have succumbed by the pollution and several country that
are spot clean in the eye of the author.

He started with bad effect of refusing recycling can even causes our precious land. Since he want to
persuade readers to know that this is a serious matter. He became bias towards the negative effect only. He uses
example as supporting details in Bangladesh, for example large areas have become too salty for agriculture. In
China, the lack of water has affected food production. Then, attack again with a treated we may run out of
resources to satisfy demands if our current lifestyle remain unchanged. Fact presented lack validity because the
evidence seems to be relevant at first glance, but upon scrutiny, the reasoning are fallacious.

The author assume that the readers know about the crisis of what happening around them and also demand
in change but still action for long term recycling are not taken. Thus he write the concern of poorly managed waste,
water pollution, highly risks in health hazard, and even blaming the lifestyle of the western for having such high
demand in Malaysia causing to push the limit amount of waste. Still the author are prejudice on the negative sign,
even though this prove Malaysia is developing into a better country.

Then, he claims the public has been earning for a better sustainability and became even stronger than before. He
stated again the negative consequences of ignoring recycling activities which is potential of depleting resources,
growing amount of waste, damaging pollution and impact on society. Assuming that the knowledge about pollution
waste by recycling materials among public are enough to make them realize that the processing of wasted materials
is still in poor condition. Thus, writer claims to have the solution by

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